Olexiy Prokhorenko

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Recent posts by Olexiy Prokhorenko


I totally apologize in case if I violate some rules. This is not a SPAM message. The only reason I am posting it here, because I would like to invite people from Sofware/IT industry to take part in discussions on specialized forum. It's all about project management, but also about ideas, startups and anything else managers can deal with. Just give it a try - because at this point it's hardly to find such specialized forum and discussions, which are free!

I will be glad to meet you at the BossTalks.com. We are building a place, where you can come and talk. Most of you are the bosses. The bosses of your little business, ISV (and it doesn't matter what size is it), huge companies' project managers or officers, or just bosses-wannabe. We'd like to speak with PMBOK-grown guys, because it's a real useful knowledge, even if hardly fits (sometimes) for Software/IT.

Ask questions or tell us your stories. You are devoting our time to building startups, entrepreneurship, software project management, developing software requirements, project management life-cycling and so on and we would be happy if you will discuss your efforts and experience with us.

Thank you, guys!
17 years ago
Thanks everybody for your opinions!

Yes, I am not even talking about marking final for inner classes. That's just certain thing.
In general, I understand that it's better to show that some argument is not intended to be changed inside the method scope, but from other point view -- I believe it's a bad practice to change method argument inside method at all. :-)
But marking it method argument's as final does not prevent it to be changed.
18 years ago
Can anybody give me a clear explanation when it is the best way to use 'final' in method arguments? Really, cannot get it. Primitives are passed by value, objects are passed by reference to method. Even if we will use 'final' with object in method argument, all changes to object inside the method are possible and will affect real object.

So, what for? I feel myself very newbie, but cannot find any answer.
18 years ago

Originally posted by alan do:
ah, good buddy, but ActionForms are too specific to struts and are usually not used (well, not physically created by the developer) in the cases where the developers prefer to use DynaActionForms. it's is agreeable though... tomayto, tomaato.

Agreed with Alan.
I prefer DynaActionForms as input, and just regular Java beans (yes, we can call them "ViewBeans") with necessary information for JSP putted in request/session scope.
18 years ago
Hi there,

I have the following question.

I have Session Stateless EJB working in CMT (container-managed transactions).
It has a method, which is sending message to MDB (message driven bean) and then proceed with different changes/updates/etc. This method works in separated transaction. Possibly it could happen that after sending message to MDB - some changes/updates/etc will fail and transaction will be rolled back.
The problem is from what I understand MDB with it's onMessage() will not be rolled back.
Any ideas? Any sources where I can read more on details about transaction management during interacting with JMS?
The easiest way is to put message sending call _after_ all changes/updates/etc. will be done. But still, there some moments that could create a problem with this - and anyway, I more concern about this question as about general question.

Thanks ;-)
Hi there,

I am a bit stuck with the following question.
In simple worss - for example, when user is requesting http://somewhere.net/zzz he can see this link in URL address of his browser. My servlet/filter mapped to this zzz, and it provides it's own response. I want URL address in client browser's to change to for example http://somewhere.net/zzz.html
Any ideas? Where can I find some hint at least? :-)
18 years ago

Can anybody suggest some really nice and up-to-date book on Web Services, XML/XSLT, using SAX/DOM, etc.? And it would be very interesting to see how and when it should be smart to use these technologies in real-life Enterprise applications. Any advices? I have some experience working with this stuff, but I would be happy to find some book where everything will be explained clearly and with practical examples. Unfortunatelly, there is no "Head First Web Services/XML" :-)

18 years ago
Thanks guys for sharing. Definately, there is nothing VERY danger, but still there are few weak points. I am just, like, thinking of overall picture for using this part in different kind of applications.
18 years ago
Hi there,

Below is example of working Java code.





Any ideas how bad it could be and why if so? This code IS working, I am talking more about design. From one point of view, we can have a number of Demo.java, using same Common.java and the good thing that instance of any implemention of UsualStuff.java will be done/changed in a one place. This code IS like usual Singleton, except that we cannot do anything about arguments while creating instance. The "strange" thing is that it will be done in interfaces. At the moment, I "feel" few disadvantages, but not sure if they really are this bad.

Any your ideas or thoughts?
18 years ago
My servlet running on JBoss always return when calling request.getRemoteHost() or remoteAddr(). And always localhost when calling getServerName(). However it has static IP, and has real domain name to which I am connection.

How can I get real IP or domain name of server where my servlet is running? Is it because I am missing something in my JBoss configuration?
18 years ago

Originally posted by Gerald Davis:
I think that the best thing you can do is to learn a highlevel lannguage like Python. Java is too lowlevel and verbose, the code jest gets in the way of the concept.

Sorry! It's not an option to learn other language. As I mentioned below, in my first message - my friend wants exactly Java. Not C++, not any other. Just Java. But also he needs to understand OOP.

And speaking about Python -- I WOULD NOT SUGGEST Python to him. Hey, he is my friend, why do I need to do so much harm to him?! Speaking of such languages, I would prefer Ruby myself and would suggest it, in case if THIS would be needed. But again. Please refer to my first message and you'll see. He is not choosing language.


Originally posted by Scott Ambler:
Smalltalk is a very good option for learning OOP too.
- Scott

I know, but he is not looking for language to learn. He wants to work with Java, but he is trying to understand OOP as well.
Hi there,

Friend of mine recently asked me to suggest some perfect book on OOP with Java. He wants it to have all concepts, basics, be easy to read... He is doing his first steps in Java, so he wants to get to know all fundamentals clearly.

And you know what? I realized that I CANNOT SUGGEST any such book. Because I never saw good one. I can advice terrific book about Design patterns ("Head First Design Patterns"), on Java basics ("Head First Java"), but not really _OOP_in_Java_. I think the huggest problem for my friend is that he is going into Java from some non-OOP C. So he is really having some problems with understanding OOP.

So I decided to ask for help of JavaRanch's community. I will appreciate any advice and/or suggestion!

Thank you!
[ July 23, 2005: Message edited by: Olexiy Prokhorenko ]
Honestly speaking, my question was primary of how to organize the code. Where to place Spring's config, etc.
At the moment I found a solution of putting everything in JAR (Spring+Hibernate configs), libraries directly into EAR, and all my WARs in this EAR are able to work with Spring/Hibernate, however, this will require to force Ant to generate proper Class-Path for their manifests.

This is what I see. May be there is more elegant solution - but I was not able to find it yet.

What also I noticed, is that once each of WARs will start they both will use Springs config from JAR and this will force to create one Hibernate Session Factories for each of WAR! As I can understand it happens because each of WARs are started in separated JVM. Not sure how JBoss/Tomcat is doing this. But while I can keep only ONE copy of all configs in a one place I do not care if each of WARs will require it's own session factory. Besides, this makes sense.
[ July 20, 2005: Message edited by: Olexiy Prokhorenko ]
Hi there!

I wonder, what is the proper code organization with Spring, when I have one EAR with numerous WARs inside, and all these WARs suppose to use Hibernate, and any of WARs can use any of Hibernate's mapping POJOs.
So it looks like in this EAR we need to have one "business logic", which all WARs will use.
How this should looks like? What are the best practicies?

I saw different example when using Spring+Hibernate for one Web Application (WAR), but not for numerous WARs in one EAR.

To clarify a bit more -- I am interested where Spring, Hibernate's files need to be placed. How Spring need to be "called" (with one WAR we just put everything into it's WEB-INF)... and all these things.
Any help or advice, or even link - appreciated, thank you!