Nick Davidenko

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since Oct 20, 2004
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Recent posts by Nick Davidenko

Deepak Bala wrote:This page seems to have what you want

Getting to the right download page seems to be very difficult with Oracle. I had no trouble doing this at the BEA site.

I know this url but it does not provides links to portal, integration, workshop v10.2. It would be nice to have links to real .exe or .zip files
containing this software.
14 years ago

Hi everybody,
can anyone provide me with valid links to abovementioned products?
I need versions both for Windows 32bit and Sun Sparc 32bit.

To exchange I have Weblogic Workshop 10.2 for windows.
14 years ago

Joe Ess wrote:

s pat wrote:can ne body please provide me the link for bea weblogic server 8.1 trial version as my software only works in that version. can ne body upload the software if they got the software with them.
Many thanks in advance
Ne help would be much appreciated.

Hi there!

I hope the following url will help you:

// a lot of weblogics are there... ;-)

14 years ago
Hello there!

Does knows anybody some code coverage tools for AIX OS v.5.2 ?
There are 2 execcellent articles at According to them I could set up and test my EAR app in WebSphere 4.0.x. Find and read them , and you'll find solution.

Originally posted by Paul Keohan:
Has anybody got any opinions on this tool? I'm just starting to use it here and so far I haven't a clue what it's telling me. Is it worth continuing with?



19 years ago