Andrew Winton

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since Oct 29, 2004
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Recent posts by Andrew Winton

This link takes me to google??
18 years ago
i've been asked to develop a 'simple' java swing application that can be used to access any specified LDAP server. The application is required to allow connections to any specified LDAP server over the internet. The application must allow for a url to be provided and a means to connect to the server so that info can be obtained. The application must display all the ou entries available for the provided url along with the attribute id and attribute values fopr each of the ou entries.

I've been provided with a starter version of the application i have to add in the code to use the url typed into the url field to establish a connection with the server. Then the info obtained should be presented in a text area in the swing application.

My javas pretty poor to say the least, can anyone help me out on how to do this??
18 years ago
Trying to create a remote file service using RMI. How can i allow clients to odtain a list of file names from the dir and also obtain the content of a specified file???

Hope someone can help!
19 years ago