Vivian Ryder

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since Nov 12, 2004
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Recent posts by Vivian Ryder

I have a HTML page where it has a player embedded. However, I want to hide the player interface. It can be done manually by press ing the X, but I want to do it onLoad. Does anyone knows how to do this?
Thank you. I just found out about the ImageIO class. Would it be better suited to read in and save an image file such as jpg or png?
[ December 06, 2005: Message edited by: Vivian Ryder ]
18 years ago
I am building a spider for our company that will need to copy the HTML along with the pictures on the pages. Since I am rather new to Java IO, I was wondering if someone can help me on what type of input stream or reader to use. Perhaps a few lines of snippet will be very helpful.
18 years ago
I just downloaded the latest jdk (5.0, the whole J2EE bundle). But when I tried to compile a servlet, javac could not find the javax package. Can someone please tell me where should I place the jar files from javax (which directory)? Thank you.
18 years ago
I am trying to deploy a web application with MySql as the backend database, and I was wondering where should I put the MySql driver class files. Can someone please tell me in which directory? Thank you.
Sorry for not having made the question clear. I was curious, where will XXX go if it is returned in onSubmit.
Hi all, I am new to javascript, and I have a question about onSubmit. When I write onSubmit = "return XXX", where can I retrieve XXX in the requested servlet?
You can not use a simple IO Reader like BufferedReader in servlets? And just out of curiosity, what is the method whereby XMLString was retrieved?
[ November 08, 2005: Message edited by: Vivian Ryder ]
18 years ago
I am working on a servlet that will send request to a foreign servlet until the first servlet receives the desired response from the second. What I need to know is how do I access the response sent by the second servlet to check whether it is the desired response. Do I use StringBuffer getRequestURL() method in the HttpServletRequest object that is passed to the doGet() method of the first servlet?
18 years ago
Hi, I need to parse a Microsoft Word document, and I came across a few problems. One of them is that I need to parse out the bold faced words. Is there a StringTokenizer or Reader that recognizes bold faced words?
19 years ago
Thanks for the link. Can you also tell me where should I place the sound files in the Tomcat heirachy?
Hi, I need to be able to play a specified sound file when I move the cursor over a link. The file will be either wav or mp3. Can this be done?
Did you restart Tomcat after you create the new directory?
19 years ago
I am sorry for not having making my question clear. What I need to know is that most redirections/forwardings in servlets are done through GET. Is there any method that we can send out requests through POST?

Thank you

19 years ago