chandra sekhar

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since Apr 21, 2000
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Recent posts by chandra sekhar

What is the difference between Forward and include tags used for
request dispatcher.What are the constraints with include tag
23 years ago
Why we can not declare constructor as final ?
Any one is there to help me
23 years ago
I have set of obejcts of UserThread class
in userInfo method of UserThread
class UserThread
public void userInfo(String strname)
UserThread u1= ChatRoom.getUserInfo(name)// this returns another thread of user strname
Iam accessing strUser properties using u1.
But when ever userInfo method is called
Iam getting socket Exception
How can I access one thread properties(public) in other thread
of same class
I just want to know the advantages of innner classes
and also annonymous inner classes.
The inner class will access the outer class member variables and
methods.I will take a method instead of inner class.It could also acces memebers of class as inner class.
let me clear this doubt please

23 years ago
I just want to know the advantages of innner classes
and also annonymous inner classes.
The inner class will access the outer class member variables and
methods.I will take a method instead of inner class.It could also acces memebers of class as inner class.
let me clear this doubt please

23 years ago
Thank u krish
I will go through that book as u said.
Hope u will continue ur support
23 years ago
I just want to know where java class objects will be created and
where their reference will be stored.
As I know
ex:MyClass m1=new MyClass();
The actual object is created on heap and object reference m1 is kept on stack pointing to actual object.Is it correct?
Help me...
how exactly and where exactly they will be created

23 years ago
I just want to know where java class objects will be created and
where their reference will be stored.
As I know
ex:MyClass m1=new MyClass();
The actual object is created on heap and object reference m1 is kept on stack pointing to actual object.Is it correct?
Help me...
how exactly and where exactly they will be created
23 years ago
I just want to know where java class objects will be created and
where their reference will be stored.
As I know
ex:MyClass m1=new MyClass();
The actual object is created on heap and object reference m1 is kept on stack pointing to actual object.Is it correct?
Help me...
how exactly and where exactly they will be created
23 years ago
I hav Written a simple chat application using applet and socket programming.
My application consists of one Applet(Client program) which establishes connection to the server program (standalone application runs on port suppose on 1080).I tested on
my machine It works fine.
So I copied the client applet class file to other machine and tried to establish connection between applet running on other machine and server program running on my machine,but I could not.I got so many exceptions(Security,socket etc) when I excuted applet on other machine
I think my client application needs to be trusted.If so how.
Need urgent help from u.
I want to close connection when the back button on the browser is it necessary to use javascript in client program if so help me

23 years ago
We are unable to execute Jsp file with UseBean tag in JRun server There is no sytanx problem.Where should we place our bean class under JRun subdirectory.Iam sending the code

<title>Bean String Example</title>
<UseBean name="mybean" scope="application" type="Beans.MyBean" ></UseBean>
<%String s="chandu"; %>
<% String s1;%>
<% mybean.setName(s); %>
<%s1= mybean.getName(); %>
The name is <%=s1%>
bean code
package Beans;
public class MyBean
String strName;

public void setName(String s)
strName=new String(s);
public String getName()
return strName;
23 years ago
I think the correct answers are 3 and 4 but not 5 bcoz if we make that method non static still sting type is static ,so 3 and 4 are corrct .Can any one match their opinion with my answer?
23 years ago
Hello maha,
What is unicode charcter datatype?How can I find the unicode representation for Particular esacpe sequence or number and
also the difference between ascii character and unicode with suitable examples.did java support ascii characters.
