Andreas Toom

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since Feb 10, 2005
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Recent posts by Andreas Toom

Hello, is it possible to load system/security properties through a .properties file for a single struts application?

The problem is that I want to specify and
for a specific application, so that I can specify a custom truststore instead of using $JRE/lib/security/cacerts and so that I can store all config files related to this application in one place.

I don't want to use -D in my JBoss startup script which would affect all applications.

Any ideas?

19 years ago
Hello, I've had a single Struts application running nicely for about 2 months now but last week i deployed a new struts application and i got the following error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/struts/action/ActionForm

The first project is an .ear containing a .war and the second project is a standalone .war file. Both projects have their own struts.jar in WEB-INF/lib.

I've been googling a bit and has an example but I have none of the problem suggestions in neither of my two projectes.

How is Jboss handling the classpath for struts.jar file?, should the struts file be shared between all struts applications in a shared lib-folder? any ideas?

19 years ago
Made a quick test and it worked out real nice, I should be able to build something that suits our needs. Thanks for the help!

19 years ago
I've successfully written my own network class loader and it works fine when doing something like this:

NetworkClassLoader loader = new NetworkClassLoader();
Class classClass = loader.loadClass( "com.test.classes.TestClass" );
Object obj = classClass.newInstance();

This is some research coding for a current project that will move from a rather fat client to a thinner one with class loading from a single repository. This means that the current client code is full of new MyClassThis() and new MyClassThat( param1, param2 ) and so on.

My initial thought was that Thread.currentThread.setContextClassLoader( new NetworkClassLoader() ) would take care of this and ALL classes not found in the current classpath would be redirected to my custom class loader but that is apparently not the case, my class loader is being completly ignored when "new" is used. Is there some way to tell the jvm to use my class loader when looking for classes or do I have to look at another solution with jar:s and URLClassLoader instead?

19 years ago