Rajeswari Gopal

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since Apr 14, 2005
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Recent posts by Rajeswari Gopal

Hi all,
In the following code am fetching a list object which has two different object values i.e Person,UserModel. can you please help me to retrive the values in the list.
i am getting list of values if am using one object person or Usermodel but the following code is not working..
am getting classcastException..

Please reply ASAP.

String SQL_QUERY1="SELECT person.firstName, person.lastName, user.firstName, user.lastName "+
"FROM Person person,"+
"UserModel user " +
"WHERE person.id=user.userId";

ArrayList joinlist=(ArrayList)sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(SQL_QUERY1).list();

for(int i=0;i<joinlist.size();i++)
System.out.println(joinlist.get(i) instanceof Person);
System.out.println(joinlist.get(i) instanceof UserModel);
System.out.println(joinlist.get(i) instanceof List);

Person ppp =(Person)joinlist.get(i); System.out.println("person table details");
UserModel um =(UserModel)joinlist.get(i);
System.out.println("users table details");
Hi everybody,

I am newbie for JDO
I am using open access-4.0.3 to access the database,in this they are using versant.properties file to access the database..
any of them know how to write versant.properties file..
In this they have written more properties,i dont know for what they are using that..
can anybody suggest me..
Hi everybody,

i am newbie of JDO.can anyone suggest me any tutorials or examples to work out JDO..
any links..

Thanks for your reply.
I checked jaxrpc.jar file is readable,eventhough the same error is coming.. how to rectify this error any other solution to solve this...
17 years ago
Hi everybody,

I am a newbie of web services..I am building a web service with JAX-RPC, while compiling i am getting an error "javax.xml.rpc" package not found..
Eventhough i added the jar files in the classpath and jdk/jre/lib/ext/ the error is repeating..
please anybody help me to solve this error..
17 years ago
Hi Mark,

Thanks for your reply.. Now the j2ee server is working..
In my PC the firewall is on,after changing it to off it worked..

Hi all,

Please help me to solve this error..
When i start the domain the server is not starting.. the following exception is coming in Server.log file
[#|2006-06-28T17:53:47.280+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0703: Initializing Sun-Java-System/Application-Server-PE HTTP/1.1 on 8070|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:53:47.297+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0712: Starting Sun-Java-System/Application-Server-PE HTTP/1.1 on 8070|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:53:47.393+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|Initializing Grizzly Blocking Mode|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:53:47.393+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0703: Initializing Sun-Java-System/Application-Server-PE HTTP/1.1 on 8181|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:53:47.398+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0712: Starting Sun-Java-System/Application-Server-PE HTTP/1.1 on 8181|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:53:47.440+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|Initializing Grizzly Non-Blocking Mode|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:53:47.441+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0703: Initializing Sun-Java-System/Application-Server-PE HTTP/1.1 on 4848|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:53:47.446+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0712: Starting Sun-Java-System/Application-Server-PE HTTP/1.1 on 4848|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:56:56.592+0530|SEVERE|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|Service com.sun.enterprise.admin.server.core.JmxConnectorLifecycle@14a0698 cannot be started! : com.sun.appserv.server.ServerLifecycleException: Cannot bind to URL [rmi://rajeswari.songbirdtech.com:8686/management/rmi-jmx-connector]: javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException [Root exception is java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host: rajeswari.songbirdtech.com; nested exception is:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out]|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:56:56.592+0530|SEVERE|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE5071: An error occured during initialization
com.sun.appserv.server.ServerLifecycleException: Cannot bind to URL [rmi://rajeswari.songbirdtech.com:8686/management/rmi-jmx-connector]: javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException [Root exception is java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host: rajeswari.songbirdtech.com; nested exception is:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out]
at com.sun.enterprise.admin.server.core.JmxConnectorLifecycle.onStartup(JmxConnectorLifecycle.java:104)
at com.sun.enterprise.server.ApplicationServer.onStartup(ApplicationServer.java:300)
at com.sun.enterprise.server.PEMain.run(PEMain.java:294)
at com.sun.enterprise.server.PEMain.main(PEMain.java:220)
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Cannot bind to URL [rmi://rajeswari.songbirdtech.com:8686/management/rmi-jmx-connector]: javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException [Root exception is java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host: rajeswari.songbirdtech.com; nested exception is:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out]
at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectorServer.newIOException(RMIConnectorServer.java:814)
at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectorServer.start(RMIConnectorServer.java:431)
at com.sun.enterprise.admin.jmx.remote.server.JmxConnectorServerDriver.startConnectorServer(JmxConnectorServerDriver.java:177)
at com.sun.enterprise.admin.server.core.JmxConnectorLifecycle.onStartup(JmxConnectorLifecycle.java:95)
... 3 more
Caused by: javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException [Root exception is java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host: rajeswari.songbirdtech.com; nested exception is:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out]
at com.sun.jndi.rmi.registry.RegistryContext.bind(RegistryContext.java:122)
at com.sun.jndi.toolkit.url.GenericURLContext.bind(GenericURLContext.java:208)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.bind(InitialContext.java:359)
at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectorServer.bind(RMIConnectorServer.java:635)
at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectorServer.start(RMIConnectorServer.java:427)
... 5 more
Caused by: java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host: rajeswari.songbirdtech.com; nested exception is:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPEndpoint.newSocket(TCPEndpoint.java:574)
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.createConnection(TCPChannel.java:185)
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.newConnection(TCPChannel.java:171)
at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.newCall(UnicastRef.java:306)
at sun.rmi.registry.RegistryImpl_Stub.bind(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.jndi.rmi.registry.RegistryContext.bind(RegistryContext.java:116)
... 9 more
Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.doConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:333)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(PlainSocketImpl.java:195)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:182)
at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:366)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:507)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:457)
at java.net.Socket.<init>(Socket.java:365)
at java.net.Socket.<init>(Socket.java:178)
at sun.rmi.transport.proxy.RMIDirectSocketFactory.createSocket(RMIDirectSocketFactory.java:22)
at sun.rmi.transport.proxy.RMIMasterSocketFactory.createSocket(RMIMasterSocketFactory.java:128)
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPEndpoint.newSocket(TCPEndpoint.java:569)
... 14 more

[#|2006-06-28T17:56:56.595+0530|SEVERE|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|Server Startup failed. Exiting...|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:56:56.595+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|Server shutdown in progress...|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:56:56.595+0530|WARNING|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE5061: Exception :
at com.sun.enterprise.admin.server.core.JmxConnectorLifecycle.onShutdown(JmxConnectorLifecycle.java:122)
at com.sun.enterprise.server.ApplicationServer.onShutdown(ApplicationServer.java:414)
at com.sun.enterprise.server.PEMain.run(PEMain.java:317)
at com.sun.enterprise.server.PEMain.main(PEMain.java:220)

[#|2006-06-28T17:56:56.596+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0303: Stopping Sun-Java-System/Application-Server.|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:56:56.601+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0713: Stopping Sun-Java-System/Application-Server-PE HTTP/1.1 on 8070|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:56:56.606+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0713: Stopping Sun-Java-System/Application-Server-PE HTTP/1.1 on 8181|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:56:56.611+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0713: Stopping Sun-Java-System/Application-Server-PE HTTP/1.1 on 4848|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:56:56.798+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE5051: Shutting down all J2EE applications ...|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:56:56.801+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.container.ejb|_ThreadID=10;|EJB5122:EJB Timer Service shutdown at [2006/06/28 17:56:56]|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:56:56.801+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE 5060 : Stopping all J2EE Connector 1.5 Compliant resource adapters ...|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:56:56.803+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.resource.resourceadapter|_ThreadID=10;|RAR7094: __xa shutdown successfully.|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:56:56.804+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE 5061 : Resource adapters Stop() Complete|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:56:56.804+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE5052: Application shutdown complete.|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:56:56.940+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.resource.jms|_ThreadID=10;|JMS5023: JMS service successfully started. Instance Name = imqbroker, Home = [/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/imq/bin].|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:56:57.353+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.resource.jms|_ThreadID=10;|JMS5025: JMS service shutting down.|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:56:57.559+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.resource.jms|_ThreadID=10;|JMS5026: JMS service shutdown complete.|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:56:57.559+0530|SEVERE|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|Server stopped due to Server startup failure.|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:56:57.651+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=11;|sending notification to server...server|#]

[#|2006-06-28T17:56:57.653+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=11;|Server shutdown complete.|#]

Here i have changed the port number to=8070 because already i am using port number:8080.
And i also checked the imqbroker directory log file
the following error is coming:

# 1150979185756 Do not modify this line
[22/Jun/2006:17:56:25 IST] [B1002]: An existing property file for imqbroker was not found, no stored properties will be loaded
[22/Jun/2006:17:56:25 IST]
Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Version: 3.7 (Build 3-e)
Compile: Mon Dec 5 21:58:50 PST 2005

Copyright � 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

This product includes code licensed from RSA Data Security.
Java Runtime: 1.5.0_06 Sun Microsystems Inc. /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk/jre
[22/Jun/2006:17:56:25 IST] License: Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7 Platform Edition
[22/Jun/2006:17:56:25 IST] IMQ_HOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/imq
[22/Jun/2006:17:56:25 IST] IMQ_VARHOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq
[22/Jun/2006:17:56:25 IST] Linux 2.6.12 i386 rajeswari.songbirdtech.com (1 cpu) rajeswari
[22/Jun/2006:17:56:25 IST] Java Heap Size: max=194432k, current=32448k
[22/Jun/2006:17:56:25 IST] Arguments: -javahome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk -varhome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq -name imqbroker -port 7676 -bgnd -silent
[22/Jun/2006:17:56:25 IST] [B1004]: Starting the portmapper service using tcp [ 7676, 50, * ] with min threads 1 and max threads of 1
[22/Jun/2006:17:56:25 IST] [B1060]: Loading persistent data...
[22/Jun/2006:17:56:25 IST] Using built-in file-based persistent store: /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq/instances/imqbroker/
[22/Jun/2006:17:56:26 IST] [B1136]: Processing stored transactions
[22/Jun/2006:17:56:26 IST] [B1013]: Auto Creation of Queues is Enabled
[22/Jun/2006:17:56:26 IST] [B1144]: Creating Dead Message Queue
[22/Jun/2006:17:56:26 IST] [B1158]: Administrator has created destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue]
[22/Jun/2006:17:56:26 IST] [B1004]: Starting the admin service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 4 and max threads of 10
[22/Jun/2006:17:56:26 IST] [B1004]: Starting the jms service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 10 and max threads of 1000
[22/Jun/2006:17:56:26 IST] [B1039]: Broker "imqbroker@rajeswari.songbirdtech.com:7676" ready.
[22/Jun/2006:17:56:26 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1685. Count=1
[22/Jun/2006:17:56:26 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1685 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count=0
[22/Jun/2006:18:00:16 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1685. Count=1
[22/Jun/2006:18:00:16 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service admin with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[22/Jun/2006:18:00:16 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service jms with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[22/Jun/2006:18:00:16 IST] [B1093]: Shutdown requested by broker administrator
[22/Jun/2006:18:00:16 IST] [B1047]: Shutting down broker...
[22/Jun/2006:18:00:16 IST] [B1077]: Broadcast good-bye to all connections ...
[22/Jun/2006:18:00:16 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1685 because "[B0061]: Client exited without closing connections". Count=0
[22/Jun/2006:18:00:16 IST] [B1078]: Flushing good-bye messages ...
[22/Jun/2006:18:00:18 IST] [B1063]: Done
[22/Jun/2006:18:00:19 IST] [B1048]: Shutdown of broker complete.
[22/Jun/2006:19:06:20 IST]
Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Version: 3.7 (Build 3-e)
Compile: Mon Dec 5 21:58:50 PST 2005

Copyright � 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

This product includes code licensed from RSA Data Security.
Java Runtime: 1.5.0_06 Sun Microsystems Inc. /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk/jre
[22/Jun/2006:19:06:21 IST] License: Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7 Platform Edition
[22/Jun/2006:19:06:21 IST] IMQ_HOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/imq
[22/Jun/2006:19:06:21 IST] IMQ_VARHOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq
[22/Jun/2006:19:06:21 IST] Linux 2.6.12 i386 rajeswari.songbirdtech.com (1 cpu) rajeswari
[22/Jun/2006:19:06:21 IST] Java Heap Size: max=194432k, current=32448k
[22/Jun/2006:19:06:21 IST] Arguments: -javahome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk -varhome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq -name imqbroker -port 7676 -bgnd -silent
[22/Jun/2006:19:06:21 IST] [B1004]: Starting the portmapper service using tcp [ 7676, 50, * ] with min threads 1 and max threads of 1
[22/Jun/2006:19:06:21 IST] [B1060]: Loading persistent data...
[22/Jun/2006:19:06:21 IST] Using built-in file-based persistent store: /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq/instances/imqbroker/
[22/Jun/2006:19:06:21 IST] [B1136]: Processing stored transactions
[22/Jun/2006:19:06:21 IST] [B1013]: Auto Creation of Queues is Enabled
[22/Jun/2006:19:06:21 IST] [B1151]: Loading destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] with 0 messages
[22/Jun/2006:19:06:21 IST] [B1152]: Loading of destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] complete
[22/Jun/2006:19:06:21 IST] [B1004]: Starting the admin service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 4 and max threads of 10
[22/Jun/2006:19:06:21 IST] [B1004]: Starting the jms service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 10 and max threads of 1000
[22/Jun/2006:19:06:21 IST] [B1039]: Broker "imqbroker@rajeswari.songbirdtech.com:7676" ready.
[22/Jun/2006:19:06:23 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1705. Count=1
[22/Jun/2006:19:06:23 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1705 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count=0
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1705. Count=1
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:32 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service admin with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:32 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service jms with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:32 IST] [B1093]: Shutdown requested by broker administrator
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:32 IST] [B1047]: Shutting down broker...
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:32 IST] [B1077]: Broadcast good-bye to all connections ...
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:32 IST] [B1078]: Flushing good-bye messages ...
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:32 IST] [B1063]: Done
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:33 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1705 because "java.net.SocketException: Connection reset". Count=0
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:34 IST] [B1048]: Shutdown of broker complete.
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:53 IST]
Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Version: 3.7 (Build 3-e)
Compile: Mon Dec 5 21:58:50 PST 2005

Copyright � 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

This product includes code licensed from RSA Data Security.
Java Runtime: 1.5.0_06 Sun Microsystems Inc. /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk/jre
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:53 IST] License: Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7 Platform Edition
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:53 IST] IMQ_HOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/imq
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:53 IST] IMQ_VARHOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:53 IST] Linux 2.6.12 i386 rajeswari.songbirdtech.com (1 cpu) root
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:53 IST] Java Heap Size: max=194432k, current=32448k
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:53 IST] Arguments: -javahome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk -varhome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq -name imqbroker -port 7676 -bgnd -silent
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:53 IST] [B1004]: Starting the portmapper service using tcp [ 7676, 50, * ] with min threads 1 and max threads of 1
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:53 IST] [B1060]: Loading persistent data...
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:53 IST] Using built-in file-based persistent store: /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq/instances/imqbroker/
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:53 IST] [B1136]: Processing stored transactions
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:53 IST] [B1013]: Auto Creation of Queues is Enabled
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:53 IST] [B1151]: Loading destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] with 0 messages
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:53 IST] [B1152]: Loading of destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] complete
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:53 IST] [B1004]: Starting the admin service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 4 and max threads of 10
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:53 IST] [B1004]: Starting the jms service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 10 and max threads of 1000
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:53 IST] [B1039]: Broker "imqbroker@rajeswari.songbirdtech.com:7676" ready.
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1729. Count=1
[22/Jun/2006:19:08:54 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1729 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count=0
[22/Jun/2006:19:12:22 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1729. Count=1
[22/Jun/2006:19:12:22 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service admin with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[22/Jun/2006:19:12:22 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service jms with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[22/Jun/2006:19:12:22 IST] [B1093]: Shutdown requested by broker administrator
[22/Jun/2006:19:12:22 IST] [B1047]: Shutting down broker...
[22/Jun/2006:19:12:22 IST] [B1077]: Broadcast good-bye to all connections ...
[22/Jun/2006:19:12:22 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1729 because "[B0061]: Client exited without closing connections". Count=0
[22/Jun/2006:19:12:22 IST] [B1078]: Flushing good-bye messages ...
[22/Jun/2006:19:12:24 IST] [B1063]: Done
[22/Jun/2006:19:12:25 IST] [B1048]: Shutdown of broker complete.
[28/Jun/2006:16:38:23 IST]
Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Version: 3.7 (Build 3-e)
Compile: Mon Dec 5 21:58:50 PST 2005

Copyright � 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

This product includes code licensed from RSA Data Security.
Java Runtime: 1.5.0_06 Sun Microsystems Inc. /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk/jre
[28/Jun/2006:16:38:23 IST] License: Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7 Platform Edition
[28/Jun/2006:16:38:23 IST] IMQ_HOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/imq
[28/Jun/2006:16:38:23 IST] IMQ_VARHOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq
[28/Jun/2006:16:38:23 IST] Linux 2.6.12 i386 rajeswari.songbirdtech.com (1 cpu) root
[28/Jun/2006:16:38:23 IST] Java Heap Size: max=194432k, current=32448k
[28/Jun/2006:16:38:23 IST] Arguments: -javahome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk -varhome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq -name imqbroker -port 7676 -bgnd -silent
[28/Jun/2006:16:38:23 IST] [B1004]: Starting the portmapper service using tcp [ 7676, 50, * ] with min threads 1 and max threads of 1
[28/Jun/2006:16:38:23 IST] [B1060]: Loading persistent data...
[28/Jun/2006:16:38:23 IST] Using built-in file-based persistent store: /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq/instances/imqbroker/
[28/Jun/2006:16:38:23 IST] [B1136]: Processing stored transactions
[28/Jun/2006:16:38:23 IST] [B1013]: Auto Creation of Queues is Enabled
[28/Jun/2006:16:38:23 IST] [B1151]: Loading destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] with 0 messages
[28/Jun/2006:16:38:23 IST] [B1152]: Loading of destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] complete
[28/Jun/2006:16:38:23 IST] [B1004]: Starting the admin service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 4 and max threads of 10
[28/Jun/2006:16:38:23 IST] [B1004]: Starting the jms service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 10 and max threads of 1000
[28/Jun/2006:16:38:23 IST] [B1039]: Broker "imqbroker@rajeswari.songbirdtech.com:7676" ready.
[28/Jun/2006:16:38:25 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1034. Count=1
[28/Jun/2006:16:38:25 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1034 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count=0
[28/Jun/2006:16:41:54 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1034. Count=1
[28/Jun/2006:16:41:54 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service admin with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:16:41:54 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service jms with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:16:41:54 IST] [B1093]: Shutdown requested by broker administrator
[28/Jun/2006:16:41:54 IST] [B1047]: Shutting down broker...
[28/Jun/2006:16:41:54 IST] [B1077]: Broadcast good-bye to all connections ...
[28/Jun/2006:16:41:54 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1034 because "[B0061]: Client exited without closing connections". Count=0
[28/Jun/2006:16:41:54 IST] [B1078]: Flushing good-bye messages ...
[28/Jun/2006:16:41:54 IST] [B1063]: Done
[28/Jun/2006:16:41:56 IST] [B1048]: Shutdown of broker complete.
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:03 IST]
Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Version: 3.7 (Build 3-e)
Compile: Mon Dec 5 21:58:50 PST 2005

Copyright � 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

This product includes code licensed from RSA Data Security.
Java Runtime: 1.5.0_06 Sun Microsystems Inc. /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk/jre
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:03 IST] License: Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7 Platform Edition
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:03 IST] IMQ_HOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/imq
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:03 IST] IMQ_VARHOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:03 IST] Linux 2.6.12 i386 rajeswari.songbirdtech.com (1 cpu) root
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:03 IST] Java Heap Size: max=194432k, current=32448k
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:03 IST] Arguments: -javahome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk -varhome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq -name imqbroker -port 7676 -bgnd -silent
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:04 IST] [B1004]: Starting the portmapper service using tcp [ 7676, 50, * ] with min threads 1 and max threads of 1
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:04 IST] [B1060]: Loading persistent data...
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:04 IST] Using built-in file-based persistent store: /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq/instances/imqbroker/
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:04 IST] [B1136]: Processing stored transactions
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:04 IST] [B1013]: Auto Creation of Queues is Enabled
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:04 IST] [B1151]: Loading destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] with 0 messages
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:04 IST] [B1152]: Loading of destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] complete
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:04 IST] [B1004]: Starting the admin service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 4 and max threads of 10
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:04 IST] [B1004]: Starting the jms service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 10 and max threads of 1000
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:04 IST] [B1039]: Broker "imqbroker@rajeswari.songbirdtech.com:7676" ready.
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:05 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1050. Count=1
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:05 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1050 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count=0
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:08 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1050. Count=1
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:09 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service admin with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:09 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service jms with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:09 IST] [B1093]: Shutdown requested by broker administrator
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:09 IST] [B1047]: Shutting down broker...
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:09 IST] [B1077]: Broadcast good-bye to all connections ...
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:09 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1050 because "[B0061]: Client exited without closing connections". Count=0
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:09 IST] [B1078]: Flushing good-bye messages ...
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:09 IST] [B1063]: Done
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:11 IST] [B1048]: Shutdown of broker complete.
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:50 IST]
Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Version: 3.7 (Build 3-e)
Compile: Mon Dec 5 21:58:50 PST 2005

Copyright � 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

This product includes code licensed from RSA Data Security.
Java Runtime: 1.5.0_06 Sun Microsystems Inc. /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk/jre
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:50 IST] License: Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7 Platform Edition
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:50 IST] IMQ_HOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/imq
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:50 IST] IMQ_VARHOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:50 IST] Linux 2.6.12 i386 rajeswari.songbirdtech.com (1 cpu) root
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:50 IST] Java Heap Size: max=194432k, current=32448k
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:50 IST] Arguments: -javahome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk -varhome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq -name imqbroker -port 7676 -bgnd -silent
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:50 IST] [B1004]: Starting the portmapper service using tcp [ 7676, 50, * ] with min threads 1 and max threads of 1
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:50 IST] [B1060]: Loading persistent data...
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:50 IST] Using built-in file-based persistent store: /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq/instances/imqbroker/
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:50 IST] [B1136]: Processing stored transactions
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:50 IST] [B1013]: Auto Creation of Queues is Enabled
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:50 IST] [B1151]: Loading destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] with 0 messages
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:50 IST] [B1152]: Loading of destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] complete
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:51 IST] [B1004]: Starting the admin service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 4 and max threads of 10
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:51 IST] [B1004]: Starting the jms service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 10 and max threads of 1000
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:51 IST] [B1039]: Broker "imqbroker@rajeswari.songbirdtech.com:7676" ready.
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:51 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1063. Count=1
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:51 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1063 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count=0
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1063. Count=1
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:55 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service admin with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:55 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service jms with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:55 IST] [B1093]: Shutdown requested by broker administrator
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:55 IST] [B1047]: Shutting down broker...
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:55 IST] [B1077]: Broadcast good-bye to all connections ...
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:55 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1063 because "[B0061]: Client exited without closing connections". Count=0
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:55 IST] [B1078]: Flushing good-bye messages ...
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:55 IST] [B1063]: Done
[28/Jun/2006:16:55:57 IST] [B1048]: Shutdown of broker complete.
[28/Jun/2006:16:58:41 IST]
Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Version: 3.7 (Build 3-e)
Compile: Mon Dec 5 21:58:50 PST 2005

Copyright � 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

This product includes code licensed from RSA Data Security.
Java Runtime: 1.5.0_06 Sun Microsystems Inc. /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk/jre
[28/Jun/2006:16:58:41 IST] License: Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7 Platform Edition
[28/Jun/2006:16:58:41 IST] IMQ_HOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/imq
[28/Jun/2006:16:58:41 IST] IMQ_VARHOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq
[28/Jun/2006:16:58:41 IST] Linux 2.6.12 i386 rajeswari.songbirdtech.com (1 cpu) root
[28/Jun/2006:16:58:41 IST] Java Heap Size: max=194432k, current=32448k
[28/Jun/2006:16:58:41 IST] Arguments: -javahome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk -varhome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq -name imqbroker -port 7676 -bgnd -silent
[28/Jun/2006:16:58:41 IST] [B1004]: Starting the portmapper service using tcp [ 7676, 50, * ] with min threads 1 and max threads of 1
[28/Jun/2006:16:58:41 IST] [B1060]: Loading persistent data...
[28/Jun/2006:16:58:41 IST] Using built-in file-based persistent store: /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq/instances/imqbroker/
[28/Jun/2006:16:58:42 IST] [B1136]: Processing stored transactions
[28/Jun/2006:16:58:42 IST] [B1013]: Auto Creation of Queues is Enabled
[28/Jun/2006:16:58:42 IST] [B1151]: Loading destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] with 0 messages
[28/Jun/2006:16:58:42 IST] [B1152]: Loading of destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] complete
[28/Jun/2006:16:58:42 IST] [B1004]: Starting the admin service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 4 and max threads of 10
[28/Jun/2006:16:58:42 IST] [B1004]: Starting the jms service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 10 and max threads of 1000
[28/Jun/2006:16:58:42 IST] [B1039]: Broker "imqbroker@rajeswari.songbirdtech.com:7676" ready.
[28/Jun/2006:16:58:42 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1076. Count=1
[28/Jun/2006:16:58:42 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1076 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count=0
[28/Jun/2006:17:02:06 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1076. Count=1
[28/Jun/2006:17:02:06 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service admin with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:17:02:06 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service jms with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:17:02:06 IST] [B1093]: Shutdown requested by broker administrator
[28/Jun/2006:17:02:06 IST] [B1047]: Shutting down broker...
[28/Jun/2006:17:02:06 IST] [B1077]: Broadcast good-bye to all connections ...
[28/Jun/2006:17:02:06 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1076 because "[B0061]: Client exited without closing connections". Count=0
[28/Jun/2006:17:02:06 IST] [B1078]: Flushing good-bye messages ...
[28/Jun/2006:17:02:06 IST] [B1063]: Done
[28/Jun/2006:17:02:08 IST] [B1048]: Shutdown of broker complete.
[28/Jun/2006:17:07:31 IST]
Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Version: 3.7 (Build 3-e)
Compile: Mon Dec 5 21:58:50 PST 2005

Copyright � 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

This product includes code licensed from RSA Data Security.
Java Runtime: 1.5.0_06 Sun Microsystems Inc. /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk/jre
[28/Jun/2006:17:07:31 IST] License: Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7 Platform Edition
[28/Jun/2006:17:07:31 IST] IMQ_HOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/imq
[28/Jun/2006:17:07:31 IST] IMQ_VARHOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq
[28/Jun/2006:17:07:31 IST] Linux 2.6.12 i386 rajeswari.songbirdtech.com (1 cpu) root
[28/Jun/2006:17:07:31 IST] Java Heap Size: max=194432k, current=32448k
[28/Jun/2006:17:07:31 IST] Arguments: -javahome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk -varhome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq -name imqbroker -port 7676 -bgnd -silent
[28/Jun/2006:17:07:31 IST] [B1004]: Starting the portmapper service using tcp [ 7676, 50, * ] with min threads 1 and max threads of 1
[28/Jun/2006:17:07:31 IST] [B1060]: Loading persistent data...
[28/Jun/2006:17:07:31 IST] Using built-in file-based persistent store: /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq/instances/imqbroker/
[28/Jun/2006:17:07:32 IST] [B1136]: Processing stored transactions
[28/Jun/2006:17:07:32 IST] [B1013]: Auto Creation of Queues is Enabled
[28/Jun/2006:17:07:32 IST] [B1151]: Loading destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] with 0 messages
[28/Jun/2006:17:07:32 IST] [B1152]: Loading of destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] complete
[28/Jun/2006:17:07:33 IST] [B1004]: Starting the admin service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 4 and max threads of 10
[28/Jun/2006:17:07:33 IST] [B1004]: Starting the jms service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 10 and max threads of 1000
[28/Jun/2006:17:07:33 IST] [B1039]: Broker "imqbroker@rajeswari.songbirdtech.com:7676" ready.
[28/Jun/2006:17:10:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1093. Count=1
[28/Jun/2006:17:10:57 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1093 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count=0
[28/Jun/2006:17:10:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1093. Count=1
[28/Jun/2006:17:10:57 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service admin with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:17:10:57 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service jms with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:17:10:57 IST] [B1093]: Shutdown requested by broker administrator
[28/Jun/2006:17:10:57 IST] [B1047]: Shutting down broker...
[28/Jun/2006:17:10:57 IST] [B1077]: Broadcast good-bye to all connections ...
[28/Jun/2006:17:10:57 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1093 because "[B0061]: Client exited without closing connections". Count=0
[28/Jun/2006:17:10:57 IST] [B1078]: Flushing good-bye messages ...
[28/Jun/2006:17:10:57 IST] [B1063]: Done
[28/Jun/2006:17:10:59 IST] [B1048]: Shutdown of broker complete.
[28/Jun/2006:17:22:25 IST]
Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Version: 3.7 (Build 3-e)
Compile: Mon Dec 5 21:58:50 PST 2005

Copyright � 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

This product includes code licensed from RSA Data Security.
Java Runtime: 1.5.0_06 Sun Microsystems Inc. /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk/jre
[28/Jun/2006:17:22:25 IST] License: Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7 Platform Edition
[28/Jun/2006:17:22:25 IST] IMQ_HOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/imq
[28/Jun/2006:17:22:25 IST] IMQ_VARHOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq
[28/Jun/2006:17:22:25 IST] Linux 2.6.12 i386 rajeswari.songbirdtech.com (1 cpu) root
[28/Jun/2006:17:22:25 IST] Java Heap Size: max=194432k, current=32448k
[28/Jun/2006:17:22:25 IST] Arguments: -javahome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk -varhome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq -name imqbroker -port 7676 -bgnd -silent
[28/Jun/2006:17:22:25 IST] [B1004]: Starting the portmapper service using tcp [ 7676, 50, * ] with min threads 1 and max threads of 1
[28/Jun/2006:17:22:25 IST] [B1060]: Loading persistent data...
[28/Jun/2006:17:22:25 IST] Using built-in file-based persistent store: /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq/instances/imqbroker/
[28/Jun/2006:17:22:26 IST] [B1136]: Processing stored transactions
[28/Jun/2006:17:22:26 IST] [B1013]: Auto Creation of Queues is Enabled
[28/Jun/2006:17:22:26 IST] [B1151]: Loading destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] with 0 messages
[28/Jun/2006:17:22:26 IST] [B1152]: Loading of destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] complete
[28/Jun/2006:17:22:26 IST] [B1004]: Starting the admin service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 4 and max threads of 10
[28/Jun/2006:17:22:26 IST] [B1004]: Starting the jms service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 10 and max threads of 1000
[28/Jun/2006:17:22:26 IST] [B1039]: Broker "imqbroker@rajeswari.songbirdtech.com:7676" ready.
[28/Jun/2006:17:25:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1109. Count=1
[28/Jun/2006:17:25:47 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1109 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count=0
[28/Jun/2006:17:25:47 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1109. Count=1
[28/Jun/2006:17:25:47 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service admin with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:17:25:47 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service jms with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:17:25:47 IST] [B1093]: Shutdown requested by broker administrator
[28/Jun/2006:17:25:48 IST] [B1047]: Shutting down broker...
[28/Jun/2006:17:25:48 IST] [B1077]: Broadcast good-bye to all connections ...
[28/Jun/2006:17:25:48 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1109 because "[B0061]: Client exited without closing connections". Count=0
[28/Jun/2006:17:25:48 IST] [B1078]: Flushing good-bye messages ...
[28/Jun/2006:17:25:48 IST] [B1063]: Done
[28/Jun/2006:17:25:49 IST] [B1048]: Shutdown of broker complete.
[28/Jun/2006:17:29:54 IST]
Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Version: 3.7 (Build 3-e)
Compile: Mon Dec 5 21:58:50 PST 2005

Copyright � 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

This product includes code licensed from RSA Data Security.
Java Runtime: 1.5.0_06 Sun Microsystems Inc. /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk/jre
[28/Jun/2006:17:29:54 IST] License: Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7 Platform Edition
[28/Jun/2006:17:29:54 IST] IMQ_HOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/imq
[28/Jun/2006:17:29:54 IST] IMQ_VARHOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq
[28/Jun/2006:17:29:54 IST] Linux 2.6.12 i386 rajeswari.songbirdtech.com (1 cpu) root
[28/Jun/2006:17:29:54 IST] Java Heap Size: max=194432k, current=32448k
[28/Jun/2006:17:29:54 IST] Arguments: -javahome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk -varhome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq -name imqbroker -port 7676 -bgnd -silent
[28/Jun/2006:17:29:54 IST] [B1004]: Starting the portmapper service using tcp [ 7676, 50, * ] with min threads 1 and max threads of 1
[28/Jun/2006:17:29:54 IST] [B1060]: Loading persistent data...
[28/Jun/2006:17:29:54 IST] Using built-in file-based persistent store: /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq/instances/imqbroker/
[28/Jun/2006:17:29:55 IST] [B1136]: Processing stored transactions
[28/Jun/2006:17:29:55 IST] [B1013]: Auto Creation of Queues is Enabled
[28/Jun/2006:17:29:55 IST] [B1151]: Loading destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] with 0 messages
[28/Jun/2006:17:29:55 IST] [B1152]: Loading of destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] complete
[28/Jun/2006:17:29:55 IST] [B1004]: Starting the admin service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 4 and max threads of 10
[28/Jun/2006:17:29:55 IST] [B1004]: Starting the jms service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 10 and max threads of 1000
[28/Jun/2006:17:29:55 IST] [B1039]: Broker "imqbroker@rajeswari.songbirdtech.com:7676" ready.
[28/Jun/2006:17:30:25 IST] [B1047]: Shutting down broker...
[28/Jun/2006:17:30:25 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service admin with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:17:30:25 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service jms with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:17:30:25 IST] [B1077]: Broadcast good-bye to all connections ...
[28/Jun/2006:17:30:25 IST] [B1078]: Flushing good-bye messages ...
[28/Jun/2006:17:30:25 IST] [B1063]: Done
[28/Jun/2006:17:30:26 IST] [B1048]: Shutdown of broker complete.
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:43 IST]
Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Version: 3.7 (Build 3-e)
Compile: Mon Dec 5 21:58:50 PST 2005

Copyright � 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

This product includes code licensed from RSA Data Security.
Java Runtime: 1.5.0_06 Sun Microsystems Inc. /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk/jre
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:43 IST] License: Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7 Platform Edition
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:43 IST] IMQ_HOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/imq
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:43 IST] IMQ_VARHOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:43 IST] Linux 2.6.12 i386 rajeswari.songbirdtech.com (1 cpu) root
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:43 IST] Java Heap Size: max=194432k, current=32448k
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:43 IST] Arguments: -javahome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk -varhome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq -name imqbroker -port 7676 -bgnd -silent
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:43 IST] [B1004]: Starting the portmapper service using tcp [ 7676, 50, * ] with min threads 1 and max threads of 1
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:43 IST] [B1060]: Loading persistent data...
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:43 IST] Using built-in file-based persistent store: /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq/instances/imqbroker/
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:44 IST] [B1136]: Processing stored transactions
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:44 IST] [B1013]: Auto Creation of Queues is Enabled
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:44 IST] [B1151]: Loading destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] with 0 messages
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:44 IST] [B1152]: Loading of destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] complete
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:44 IST] [B1004]: Starting the admin service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 4 and max threads of 10
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:44 IST] [B1004]: Starting the jms service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 10 and max threads of 1000
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:44 IST] [B1039]: Broker "imqbroker@rajeswari.songbirdtech.com:7676" ready.
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1178. Count=1
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:55 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1178 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count=0
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:55 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1178. Count=1
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:56 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service admin with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:56 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service jms with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:56 IST] [B1093]: Shutdown requested by broker administrator
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:56 IST] [B1047]: Shutting down broker...
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:56 IST] [B1077]: Broadcast good-bye to all connections ...
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:56 IST] [B1078]: Flushing good-bye messages ...
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:56 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1178 because "[B0061]: Client exited without closing connections". Count=0
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:56 IST] [B1063]: Done
[28/Jun/2006:17:31:57 IST] [B1048]: Shutdown of broker complete.
[28/Jun/2006:17:32:56 IST]
Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Version: 3.7 (Build 3-e)
Compile: Mon Dec 5 21:58:50 PST 2005

Copyright � 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

This product includes code licensed from RSA Data Security.
Java Runtime: 1.5.0_06 Sun Microsystems Inc. /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk/jre
[28/Jun/2006:17:32:57 IST] License: Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7 Platform Edition
[28/Jun/2006:17:32:57 IST] IMQ_HOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/imq
[28/Jun/2006:17:32:57 IST] IMQ_VARHOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq
[28/Jun/2006:17:32:57 IST] Linux 2.6.12 i386 rajeswari.songbirdtech.com (1 cpu) root
[28/Jun/2006:17:32:57 IST] Java Heap Size: max=194432k, current=32448k
[28/Jun/2006:17:32:57 IST] Arguments: -javahome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk -varhome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq -name imqbroker -port 7676 -bgnd -silent
[28/Jun/2006:17:32:57 IST] [B1004]: Starting the portmapper service using tcp [ 7676, 50, * ] with min threads 1 and max threads of 1
[28/Jun/2006:17:32:57 IST] [B1060]: Loading persistent data...
[28/Jun/2006:17:32:57 IST] Using built-in file-based persistent store: /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq/instances/imqbroker/
[28/Jun/2006:17:32:58 IST] [B1136]: Processing stored transactions
[28/Jun/2006:17:32:58 IST] [B1013]: Auto Creation of Queues is Enabled
[28/Jun/2006:17:32:58 IST] [B1151]: Loading destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] with 0 messages
[28/Jun/2006:17:32:58 IST] [B1152]: Loading of destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] complete
[28/Jun/2006:17:32:58 IST] [B1004]: Starting the admin service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 4 and max threads of 10
[28/Jun/2006:17:32:58 IST] [B1004]: Starting the jms service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 10 and max threads of 1000
[28/Jun/2006:17:32:58 IST] [B1039]: Broker "imqbroker@rajeswari.songbirdtech.com:7676" ready.
[28/Jun/2006:17:36:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1192. Count=1
[28/Jun/2006:17:36:18 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1192 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count=0
[28/Jun/2006:17:36:18 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1192. Count=1
[28/Jun/2006:17:36:19 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service admin with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:17:36:19 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service jms with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:17:36:19 IST] [B1093]: Shutdown requested by broker administrator
[28/Jun/2006:17:36:19 IST] [B1047]: Shutting down broker...
[28/Jun/2006:17:36:19 IST] [B1077]: Broadcast good-bye to all connections ...
[28/Jun/2006:17:36:19 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1192 because "[B0061]: Client exited without closing connections". Count=0
[28/Jun/2006:17:36:19 IST] [B1078]: Flushing good-bye messages ...
[28/Jun/2006:17:36:19 IST] [B1063]: Done
[28/Jun/2006:17:36:20 IST] [B1048]: Shutdown of broker complete.
[28/Jun/2006:17:38:03 IST]
Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Version: 3.7 (Build 3-e)
Compile: Mon Dec 5 21:58:50 PST 2005

Copyright � 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

This product includes code licensed from RSA Data Security.
Java Runtime: 1.5.0_06 Sun Microsystems Inc. /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk/jre
[28/Jun/2006:17:38:03 IST] License: Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7 Platform Edition
[28/Jun/2006:17:38:03 IST] IMQ_HOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/imq
[28/Jun/2006:17:38:03 IST] IMQ_VARHOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq
[28/Jun/2006:17:38:03 IST] Linux 2.6.12 i386 rajeswari.songbirdtech.com (1 cpu) root
[28/Jun/2006:17:38:03 IST] Java Heap Size: max=194432k, current=32448k
[28/Jun/2006:17:38:03 IST] Arguments: -javahome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk -varhome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq -name imqbroker -port 7676 -bgnd -silent
[28/Jun/2006:17:38:03 IST] [B1004]: Starting the portmapper service using tcp [ 7676, 50, * ] with min threads 1 and max threads of 1
[28/Jun/2006:17:38:03 IST] [B1060]: Loading persistent data...
[28/Jun/2006:17:38:03 IST] Using built-in file-based persistent store: /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq/instances/imqbroker/
[28/Jun/2006:17:38:04 IST] [B1136]: Processing stored transactions
[28/Jun/2006:17:38:04 IST] [B1013]: Auto Creation of Queues is Enabled
[28/Jun/2006:17:38:04 IST] [B1151]: Loading destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] with 0 messages
[28/Jun/2006:17:38:04 IST] [B1152]: Loading of destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] complete
[28/Jun/2006:17:38:04 IST] [B1004]: Starting the admin service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 4 and max threads of 10
[28/Jun/2006:17:38:04 IST] [B1004]: Starting the jms service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 10 and max threads of 1000
[28/Jun/2006:17:38:04 IST] [B1039]: Broker "imqbroker@rajeswari.songbirdtech.com:7676" ready.
[28/Jun/2006:17:41:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1208. Count=1
[28/Jun/2006:17:41:29 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1208 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count=0
[28/Jun/2006:17:41:29 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1208. Count=1
[28/Jun/2006:17:41:30 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service admin with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:17:41:30 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service jms with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:17:41:30 IST] [B1093]: Shutdown requested by broker administrator
[28/Jun/2006:17:41:30 IST] [B1047]: Shutting down broker...
[28/Jun/2006:17:41:30 IST] [B1077]: Broadcast good-bye to all connections ...
[28/Jun/2006:17:41:30 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1208 because "[B0061]: Client exited without closing connections". Count=0
[28/Jun/2006:17:41:30 IST] [B1078]: Flushing good-bye messages ...
[28/Jun/2006:17:41:30 IST] [B1063]: Done
[28/Jun/2006:17:41:32 IST] [B1048]: Shutdown of broker complete.
[28/Jun/2006:17:53:40 IST]
Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Version: 3.7 (Build 3-e)
Compile: Mon Dec 5 21:58:50 PST 2005

Copyright � 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

This product includes code licensed from RSA Data Security.
Java Runtime: 1.5.0_06 Sun Microsystems Inc. /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk/jre
[28/Jun/2006:17:53:40 IST] License: Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 3.7 Platform Edition
[28/Jun/2006:17:53:40 IST] IMQ_HOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/imq
[28/Jun/2006:17:53:40 IST] IMQ_VARHOME=/home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq
[28/Jun/2006:17:53:40 IST] Linux 2.6.12 i386 rajeswari.songbirdtech.com (1 cpu) root
[28/Jun/2006:17:53:40 IST] Java Heap Size: max=194432k, current=32448k
[28/Jun/2006:17:53:40 IST] Arguments: -javahome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/jdk -varhome /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq -name imqbroker -port 7676 -bgnd -silent
[28/Jun/2006:17:53:40 IST] [B1004]: Starting the portmapper service using tcp [ 7676, 50, * ] with min threads 1 and max threads of 1
[28/Jun/2006:17:53:40 IST] [B1060]: Loading persistent data...
[28/Jun/2006:17:53:40 IST] Using built-in file-based persistent store: /home/rajeswari/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/imq/instances/imqbroker/
[28/Jun/2006:17:53:45 IST] [B1136]: Processing stored transactions
[28/Jun/2006:17:53:45 IST] [B1013]: Auto Creation of Queues is Enabled
[28/Jun/2006:17:53:45 IST] [B1151]: Loading destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] with 0 messages
[28/Jun/2006:17:53:45 IST] [B1152]: Loading of destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] complete
[28/Jun/2006:17:53:45 IST] [B1004]: Starting the admin service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 4 and max threads of 10
[28/Jun/2006:17:53:45 IST] [B1004]: Starting the jms service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 10 and max threads of 1000
[28/Jun/2006:17:53:45 IST] [B1039]: Broker "imqbroker@rajeswari.songbirdtech.com:7676" ready.
[28/Jun/2006:17:56:56 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1226. Count=1
[28/Jun/2006:17:56:56 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1226 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count=0
[28/Jun/2006:17:56:57 IST] [B1065]: Accepting: admin@>admin:1226. Count=1
[28/Jun/2006:17:56:57 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service admin with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:17:56:57 IST] [B1007]: Stopping Service jms with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[28/Jun/2006:17:56:57 IST] [B1093]: Shutdown requested by broker administrator
[28/Jun/2006:17:56:57 IST] [B1047]: Shutting down broker...
[28/Jun/2006:17:56:57 IST] [B1077]: Broadcast good-bye to all connections ...
[28/Jun/2006:17:56:57 IST] [B1066]: Closing: admin@>admin:1226 because "[B0061]: Client exited without closing connections". Count=0
[28/Jun/2006:17:56:57 IST] [B1078]: Flushing good-bye messages ...
[28/Jun/2006:17:56:57 IST] [B1063]: Done
[28/Jun/2006:17:56:59 IST] [B1048]: Shutdown of broker complete.
Please anybody help me..


Thanks for your reply..
Whether we can create a web service witout using this wscompile tool?
Any examples?
17 years ago

I am a newbie of java web services..
What all the requirements to run java web services.
I am having j2sdk1.4 and jakarta-tomcat-server ..
where i can get the wscompile tool to install..
please help me...
17 years ago
Hi everybody,

Please help me to solve this problem.. any idea to solve..

yes its tapestry..
I have solved the stale link error.. in the html page i have used @conditional component.. i replaced it with @FormConditional component its working now properly..
Thanks for your response
Hi ,

Anybody please help me its very urgent.. give me any idea..
Hi karthik,

Thanks for your reply. i have sent a subscribe mail but it is failed..
I dont know what to do.. any other help.
Hi everybody,

this is my following code
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
<hibernate-mapping package="com.table">
<class name="Details" table="Details">
<id name="id" type="int" column="userid" >
<generator class="native"/>
<property name="userName" column="username"/>
<property name="firstName" column="firstname"/>
<property name="lastName" column="lastname"/>
<body jwcid="@Body">
<form jwcid="@Form" listener="listener:update" stateful="'false'">
<table jwcid="@Foreach" source="ognl:content" value="ognl etail" element="table">
<td>Userid</td><td><span jwcid="@TextField" value="ognl etail.id" size="20"/></td>
<td>Username</td><td><span jwcid="@TextField" value="ognl etail.userName" size="20"/></td>
<td>First Name</td>
<td><span jwcid="@TextField" value="ognl etail.firstName" size="20"/></td>
<td>Last Name</td>
<td><span jwcid="@TextField" value="ognl etail.lastName" size="20"/></td>
<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" value="Save"/></td></tr>
public void update(IRequestCycle cycle)
Session session = null;
SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();
session =sessionFactory.openSession();
catch (Exception e)
detail=new Details();

Here when i click submit button the stale link error is coming..
Whether the query is not correct..

following is the error
You have clicked on a stale link.

Rewind of form Update/$Form expected 3 more form elements, starting with id 'TextField'.

This is most likely the result of using your browser's back button, but can also be an application error.

You may continue by returning to the application's home page.

anybody please give me any idea..
Hi everybody,

this is my following code
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
<hibernate-mapping package="com.table">
<class name="Details" table="Details">
<id name="id" type="int" column="userid" >
<generator class="native"/>
<property name="userName" column="username"/>
<property name="firstName" column="firstname"/>
<property name="lastName" column="lastname"/>
<body jwcid="@Body">
<form jwcid="@Form" listener="listener:update" stateful="'false'">
<table jwcid="@Foreach" source="ognl:content" value="ognl etail" element="table">
<td>Userid</td><td><span jwcid="@TextField" value="ognl etail.id" size="20"/></td>
<td>Username</td><td><span jwcid="@TextField" value="ognl etail.userName" size="20"/></td>
<td>First Name</td>
<td><span jwcid="@TextField" value="ognl etail.firstName" size="20"/></td>
<td>Last Name</td>
<td><span jwcid="@TextField" value="ognl etail.lastName" size="20"/></td>
<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" value="Save"/></td></tr>
public void update(IRequestCycle cycle)
Session session = null;
SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();
session =sessionFactory.openSession();
catch (Exception e)
detail=new Details();

Here when i click submit button the stale link error is coming..
Whether the query is not correct..

following is the error
You have clicked on a stale link.

Rewind of form Update/$Form expected 3 more form elements, starting with id 'TextField'.

This is most likely the result of using your browser's back button, but can also be an application error.

You may continue by returning to the application's home page.

anybody please give me any idea..