Raju Cherukuri

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since May 20, 2005
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Recent posts by Raju Cherukuri

Hello Everybody,

I have two concerns to put forward.

1) We are working on a project in which we need to use Entity beans (CMP). There is no problem with sending & getting data.

But we have a stored procedure to be called in the mean while in the business logic of the CMP:

For achieving this do we need to acquire a new database connection other than which the existing entity is using?

Is this a good practice to do this way?

Also writing a BMP here increases the code complexity & makes our application tightly coupled with the database. Which we don�t want.

2) Can we achieve the same functionality of BMP with a CMP?

I invite any suggestions or advices, as I�m new to enterprise Java. Please give a response as soon as possible because we are on the nick of the moment to deliver a solution.

Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated.


Raju Cherukuri.