Why does opening a java nio selector result in a socket level connection being created on a dynamic
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Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
I/O and Streams |
CQRS/DDD Base Project
0 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Blatant Advertising |
Static code analysis tool like FindBugs for a multi threaded application
0 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Threads and Synchronization |
InheritanceType.JOINED and DiscriminatorColumn
3 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Krum Bakalsky
Object Relational Mapping |
esb(open esb) versus osgi
2 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Hussein Baghdadi
Other Application Frameworks |
Staff volunteer someone thinks this thread is probably resolved
why does junit create a instance of the testcase class each time it wants to execute testXXX()
4 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Jeanne Boyarsky
Testing |
iBattis with multiple data sources.
0 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Object Relational Mapping |
Using volatile
2 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Threads and Synchronization |
Using dispatch to call a webservice with more than one operation
9 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Web Services Certification (OCEJWSD) |
Using import in wsdl
6 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Web Services Certification (OCEJWSD) |
Oracle dependencies query
1 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Oracle/OAS |
NotSupported TransactionAttribute
5 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Paul Sturrock
EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies |
java and xpath
1 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
XML and Related Technologies |
Using user_source
1 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Oracle/OAS |
query on parent axis in xpath
2 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
XML and Related Technologies |
parameter entities versus parsed entities
0 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
XML and Related Technologies |
WebMethod and statefull session bean
1 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Graeme Jenkinson
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
JPQL Query Dout
1 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Christophe Verré
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
group by clause query
0 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
JPQL Query
1 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Amandeep Singh
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Relationship between java.rmi.RemoteException and java.rmi.Remote
0 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
restriction on resource injection
9 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Mihai Radulescu
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Incompatablity between OAS standard edition and enterprise edition
0 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Oracle/OAS |
Extracting path of the element during xsd validation
4 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
XML and Related Technologies |
ContextNode for selectSingleNode xmlParserV2
3 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
XML and Related Technologies |
using id/idref with castror
0 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
XML and Related Technologies |
EJB 3.0 statefull session bean life cycle dout
6 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Jair Rillo Junior
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
ElementType.TYPE versus ElementType.FIELD
1 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sergio Tridente
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
schematron with java
3 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Paul Clapham
XML and Related Technologies |
Difference between getClass.getclassloader and tThread.getContextClassLoader
2 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Threads and Synchronization |
Dout on @inherited
1 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Christophe Verré
Java in General |
EJB 3.0 puzzle...
5 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sergio Tridente
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Contact information of overseas job consultants
0 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Jobs Discussion |
problem with CLOB.createTemporary
1 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
mark walter
JDBC and Relational Databases |
1 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Ernest Friedman-Hill
Java in General |
@Stateless annotation
0 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
EJB and other Jakarta/Java EE Technologies |
Is the ejbFind() method invoked in direct response to a client operation ?
0 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Doubt about specifiaction
0 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
Reason as to why the ejbCreate method in the EntityBean should not be final or static
2 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
EJB Certification (OCEEJBD) |
What is the motivation to use filters in a struts application
1 |
Sudarshan Sreenivasan
Jeanne Boyarsky
Struts |