Heads up. If you have a Mac and a second monitor using Intelli, hold off on upgrading to High Sierra
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Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
IntelliJ IDEA |
Free giveaway every 60 minutes
9 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
Programming Diversions |
These two videos blew me away. Recreating a legendary Samurai Sword Hilt
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Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
Meaningless Drivel |
Simple i18n from within a Groovy class, Figuring out user's Locale
0 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
Groovy |
Pattern for updating multiple rows in an array attribute.
4 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
MongoDB |
Test files deploying to Tomcat in Eclipse, how do you stop Eclipse from doing this
3 |
Mark Spritzler
Brian Mulholland
Other IDEs, Version Control |
While not javascript code, callback inside a callback inside a callback
3 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
Anyone know a simple good quick resource for installing Hadoop on Centos 6 64 bit.
1 |
Mark Spritzler
Arun Vasu
Hadoop |
instanceof, but have a reference to Class
2 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
Groovy |
Another instanceof type question.
2 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
Groovy |
So I bit the bullet and installed Mountain Lion. Trying to install Java 7
10 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
macOS |
MissingMethodException when trying to call a method dynamically with a String for the methodName
2 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
Groovy |
Having to give up Safari.
4 |
Mark Spritzler
Jeanne Boyarsky
macOS |
Best place to find color schemas that look nice.
2 |
Mark Spritzler
Bear Bibeault
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
best solution. 4 callbacks in a row, but based on where it started different last callback
4 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
Why isn't _this available in my callback. I see it in Closure.
7 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
Sorry had to post this Eric
6 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
Why do I read Yahoo?
2 |
Mark Spritzler
Arnold Strong
Meaningless Drivel |
best approach to pass params to bound click callbacks. Take 2.
8 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
Staff volunteer someone thinks this thread is probably resolved
Confirm FancyBox, buttons not calling click functions.
12 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
select option selected="selected". Who was the genius
14 |
Mark Spritzler
Bear Bibeault
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
What happened to Gordon? I thought he was also a co-author for this book?
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Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
Spring |
Forms in overlay/FancyBox and updating page. JQuery
8 |
Mark Spritzler
Bear Bibeault
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
checked radio button from an Enum value
12 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
Passing arguments to function passed to event click function.
23 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
DateTime Picker
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Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
Understanding CSS layout practices.
17 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
Details page, form or just data with link to edit
2 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
link inside another link?
4 |
Mark Spritzler
Bear Bibeault
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
Adding a list of data from JSON to a page element
6 |
Mark Spritzler
Bear Bibeault
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
Submitting form data as JSON with JQuery
5 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
When to use $.fn.something = function() versus just function something()
2 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
Staff volunteer someone thinks this thread is probably resolved
Values from serialize are all null
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Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
Can you post data from textfields to a URL without having a <form>
10 |
Mark Spritzler
Eric Pascarello
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
Not JSP. Anyone know how to just use .html files
7 |
Mark Spritzler
Bear Bibeault
Can't find the right framework. Creating a single page app, with dynamic forms
7 |
Mark Spritzler
Bear Bibeault
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
Lookout, I'm here just to mess with Eric. Got real questions though CSS stuff, columns, class vs id
2 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
HTML Pages with CSS and JavaScript |
I hate spending 3 weeks on the tools, not coding
1 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
Groovy |
First iPad post
18 |
Mark Spritzler
Saurabh Pillai
Meaningless Drivel |
Where does Bear go to ride the shuttle/bus
12 |
Mark Spritzler
Mark Spritzler
Meaningless Drivel |