Sunil Tiwari

Ranch Hand
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since Sep 19, 2006
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Recent posts by Sunil Tiwari

Are you trying set the auto commit to false (in a loop for multiple transactions)? :

if so, remember that once you are done with your insert/update statements, you need to either commit or rollback AND set the auto commit to true again.
Failing to do so, can lead to the exception.
This is to notify all that I received the book yesterday!
12 years ago
Apple Store(s) !!! Way too nice
12 years ago
Thanks all!!!
12 years ago
Hi authors!

With bit experience in programming, I would like to explore iOS application development.
Looked at sample code which seems to be evolved from C/C++.

So what are the basic requirements to setup an development environment? Can it be set on Windows ?
How to get started?

12 years ago
Thanks Anthony for the insight!

Looking forward for your book, which looks like a very interesting read!
12 years ago
Is there any hardware update or extension, like adding FM receiver?
Software upgrade alone might not do the trick (or may be if FM is available over the internet)?

gourav kumar wrote:As i heard that Apple is developing an in-house iPhone and iPod Touch radio application, which will enable users to listen to FM radio on their existing devices, according to sources quoted by 9to5Mac.

12 years ago
Hi Anthony,

Congratulations on your new book!

Two very basic queries on concurrency :

1) How should we manage concurrency to increase performance of our C++ code?

2) What is/are memory model(s) and how does choosing one affects the code performance?

- Sunil
12 years ago
Nice attempt to get people on board with Eclipse and Java!
Yup, that was a quick search and paste link process

We too moved to Gradle and its looks cool!
13 years ago
Hi Jay,

There are various tutorials available on the Internet for the same.

Try checking out the official one at

If you need some specific information, please feel free to put a reply post!

13 years ago
I second Mohamed on this! Backpack (Bag-pack) is the most convenient option!
13 years ago

Was wondering about what is cloud and how java applications are deployed and tested on the cloud?

13 years ago