Sunit Gupta

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since Jul 21, 2008
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Recent posts by Sunit Gupta

Check for Annotations on your visa stamp, if no annotation, you can use it through any company.

Be strictly warned that legitimate trip duration should be at the max 8 weeks that too supported by proper Invite document and training plan etc., I recently had a tough time exiting out of US for trip duration 12 weeks.
[ August 25, 2008: Message edited by: Sunit Gupta ]
15 years ago
It's mostly Spring Core (Also known as Spring IoC container) which is mostly used. Other modules used with IoC are Spring MVC and may be Spring DAO.
15 years ago
At this experience level, it'll be difficult for you to move out. Try to apply for job postings within company, network with people to explore interesting opportunities within company. You can also seek transfer to to different location withing company to increase your chances e.g. Pune location of your company and other services companies are BFSI domain centric where you can get some interesting opportunities.
15 years ago
[ UD: content removed ]
[ August 15, 2008: Message edited by: Ulf Dittmer ]
15 years ago

Originally posted by Bear Bibeault:
I don't follow that logic.

I'm not sure whether you mean to say that you don't 'understand' the logic or don't 'agree' with the logic

Anyway what I meant to say that if he approaches this company again, he'll not command the same respect / authority by admitting that he made a mistake in not joining that company and probably will not get the same things as promised there as well.

It's better that he looks for a new company altogether if there's no dearth of companies there.
15 years ago
Dear Charles, you run the risk of 'promises not kept' once again if you approach this company again. Why not lookout for a completely new company altogether?
15 years ago
After spending 1 yr in testing, it'll be difficult for you to move to java development so it's better that you either move out of your current job or take it up strongly with the HR.

If you really feel passionate about it, don't let it go easily, companies don't give a damn about what they promise and what a candidate gets. If the HR doesn't respond properly, tell them that you would inform your college that this company hasn't kept its promises and has played with your career.
15 years ago
Never heard of anybody going to US for 'Employment' on J1. Looks like a Cultural Exchange program allowing employment if the specific program allows it.

One Immigration Site's reference on this

Best avoid such offers.
15 years ago

Originally posted by arulk pillai:
It can be looked unfavorably unless those assignments are contract based. Also depends on the market conditions. When there is a demand for quality developers, it can be overlooked by some.

Agree with this. In contract positions it should not be a problem, and even in permanent positions, you can always justify the changes saying that they were forced and not intentional. I believe after 14 yrs of experience, it should not be too big a concern.

However do choose your next assignment carefully where you can stay put for 2-3 yrs.
15 years ago

Originally posted by Sumana Ch:
Thanks...but where do I download them from?
Can you provide me any links...

Here are the essentials downloads -
  • JDK 1.5 Download Update 16
  • Struts Framework 1.3.8 - Download Documentation
  • Spring Framework 2.5.5 - Download Documentation
  • Eclipse IDE Download
  • Tomcat Webserver Download
  • MySQL Database Download (You'll need to register first, registration free)

  • [ August 07, 2008: Message edited by: Sunit Gupta ]
    15 years ago
    Very Effective and almost free way -

    Download the final releases of open source tools like Struts / Spring, they come bundled with sample applications.

    Configure the development environment on your system ideally using Eclipse, My SQL & Tomcat etc. (All free and open source tools) then import and run the sample applications provided with Struts / Spring etc.

    That way you'll not only have some hands on exercise of configuring and running J2EE applications, you can play around and go through the source code of these applications to quickly have hands on experience.
    15 years ago

    Originally posted by Ulf Dittmer:

    Please refrain from speaking in absolutes. We know very little about the situation, and even if we knew all of it, still different people would decide different things, as Jeanne pointed out already.

    Ok, will keep in mind

    Said it in frustration of the tremendously bitter experiences I've had with and also heard from other people in dealing with Services company in India.
    15 years ago
    Your decision is 100% right. I assume the company X is a Services Company and let me put it this way - NEVER JOIN AN INDIAN SERVICES COMPANY. PERIOD.

    For that matter avoid joining an Indian originated company however big brand it is.

    Ideally stick with reputed foreign MNCs of size around 3000-7000.
    15 years ago
    Would like to ask in which domain you've worked with primarily in your 4 yrs experience?

    If there's not been a particular domain, it's high time you attach utmost importance to it and going by that criteria off course telecom domain (my guess is the work will be in billing related applications and the company would likely be a mid to large size one) would be comparatively more beneficial than gaming but still even telecom is not the most sought after domain there is.

    Try to scout for jobs in finance domain if you can or opt for telecom company's offer if you must change the job now.

    Gaming company is also likely to be smaller in size and more prone to market fluctuations thereby likely making the job less stable.

    If you are in a large size services company, why not ask for onsite opportunities in your current company itself and gaining an invaluable exposure with a prominent client abroad? You can always leave the job there no
    15 years ago
    I don't think Sun's course is the only way to get Java classroom coaching. I believe there would be institutes in your area offering courses at much lesser prices.

    Such institutes could not only offer the courses in Java and related technologies but might assist you in placement as well.
    15 years ago