den bel

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since Oct 23, 2008
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I am struggling with following configuration in which my Tomcat 6.0 web session getting lost -

1. User logs in via Internet as HTTPS sends request to Load Balancer (This is not Tomcat load balancer, it's third party load balancer server)

2. Load balancer decrypts & forward HTTP requests to Reverse proxy server (This has SiteMinder & APACHE server 1.2.8 mod proxy on it)

3. Reverse proxy server sends request to IIS which then goes to Tomcat which creates new JSESSIONID cookie.

4. User gets logged in successfully, but after 5-10 clicks while navigating on other pages new HTTP request comes without same JSESSIONID cookie & hence tomcat lost the session & creates new JSESSIONID cookie.

Configuration which works fine -

1. User logs in via Internet as HTTPS sends request to Load Balancer # 1

2. Load balancer # 1 decrypts & forward HTTP requests to sends request to IIS which then goes to Tomcat which creates new JSESSIONID cookie.

Any ideas?
15 years ago