Xia Lee

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since Nov 16, 2008
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Yes you are right Paul .

Anyone who can help me .

15 years ago

I am creating a java based application which will have some questions topic wise . I am planning to make it available to persons for some fee. I will distribute it via email attachments since I dont have a website to host.
I dont want people should be able to install the same copy on multiple machines .How can I achieve that (some licensing kind of thing)?

Also the questions will be in a file . How should I encrypt them so that they are not copied/decrypted easily ?
15 years ago
Thanks Paul.

My application would be sent via email . I dont have a site to host my application as a Web application or via Webstart.

Kindly suggest me some way to prevent users installing the same application over multiple machines.
15 years ago

I am creating a Swing based application which will have some questions topic wise . How can I prevent multiple installations of my application ? How should I distribute it ?

Also the questions will be in a file . How should I encrypt them so that they are not copied/decrypted easily ?
15 years ago

Have you taken it already ?
[ November 23, 2008: Message edited by: Xia Lee ]

Any ideas how would this be evaluated :

One of the question had three right answers but only two were allowed to be selected

What is I have an element like this :

<xsd:element name="abc" type="xsd:string" nillable="true"/>

Are these three right :

<abc nil="1"></abc>
<abc nil="true"></abc>
I took the test today . My inputs are :

1. Test was indeed long
2. There were many wrong questions : Two of them asked "Which two are correct statements" and it was written below "to select three answers" , One of the question had three right answers but only two were allowed to be selected . Wonder how Sun is going to evaluate me on that !
3. WSIT/WCF is asked in some depth .
4. Many questions seemed confusing and I could see many right answers (maybe I was wrong). But too many answers were subjective.
5. Too much stress on Design Architecture and Security.

Hope I pass it.

Read question no. 12 & 13 from this link "http://java.sun.com/developer/Quizzes/misc/jwsa.html" . May be it will help you.
I mean JAXR API being asked more ?

I have sent you some questions on PM(Private Message).
Is there too much depth in JAXR/UDDI this time Jait ?
Digital Signatures use private key for encryption and public key for decryption . Thats what I am aware of !

Not sure about public key encryption and private key decryption.

Thanks for the update .

I thought the questions on .NET were more than fair - they were basic concepts that are covered by materials provided by Sun.

Which material of Sun you are talking about ? Can you please provide me with the link ?

Also I have sent you some queries through PM . Please respond.
M Prabhu,

Try contacting Prometric India through telephone