Mike Farnham

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Recent posts by Mike Farnham

We typically assign the request attribute to a variable
then reference the variable.

In the case where it is just a constant, that could be a hard-coded value.

Here is part of an example where we are using JSTL.

We are building an array of keys so we can build
a page that allows the customer to walk through the array.


We had a situation where we wanted to access an application
via https, on another domain.

Does jQuery in Action deal with this possibility?


I am wondering if jQuery in Action addresses: How to externalize javascript
from the JSP (or whatever) that generates the webpage.

I have created a .JSP that has a good deal of javascript in it.
But, trying to pull it out seems to be a major pain.
The biggest problem seems to be scriptlet tags.

The reason I want to pull it out is because
it increases the size of the webpage and thus the load time is longer.

Or, perhaps, jQuery in Action addresses
a good design where the javascript is created separate from webpage?

Waiting for a detailed reply,
Greetings! Welcome!

I look forward to learning more about the new book.

Welcome Venkat.

I look forward to hearing your answers here
and hearing you speak again, at a conference.
14 years ago
Hi Jeff,

I noticed there is a companion book mentioned:
Mashup Patterns: Designs and Examples for the Modern Enterprise by Mike Ogrinz

How are the two books related?

Specifically, how much of the Patterns are described in your book?

How did the second book become a companion book?

Was there any collaboration between you and Mike Ogrinz?

Thanks Janet (and Lisa) for your replies and insight.

I did find the article on InformIT.

I wonder if there is an anti-pattern or syndrome. "Too busy to test",
or "Too busy to write tests"?

The application I work on has a complex data structure, and for our GUI smoke tests, it's not feasible for the tests to set up all their own data, so we also use a "canonical data" approach where the build process first refreshes the test schema with "seed" data before running the suite of tests. This is a pain because the tests have to be run in a particular order.

So, is this "canonical data" stored in a database schema entirely outside the path to production?

We have dev, test, qa, and prod environments.
The code migrates from dev to test to qa and finally to production.
Each environment has its own schema.

I would be interested if the "canonical data" you are talking about resides,
in a separate schema.

This might be a big help to our situation,
at least for the data we actually maintain.

Our biggest challenge however is the data we get from other schemas
that we do not maintain. Plus, the fact that our data is cyclical in nature.

Do you have an suggestions for testing data that has a cyclical nature?
(I work for a University and our applications primarily deal with data for the current semester.)

Just looking at the Table of Contents, brings up some questions.

Regarding, Team Logistics, is this referring to the entire development team,
or a testing team?

The team I am part of is quite small (1 Project Leader, 3 Developers, occasionally one or two more),
we are part of a much larger organization, so would the Team Logistics apply to such a small team?

I also see a Chapter within Team Logistics is "Team Building",
as we already have an established team, would this portion still apply to an existing team?

Does it have more to do with a "building a culture of testing" vs. "building a team"?

So with regard to the book "Agile Testing,
please name some automated testing tools.

Also, is Agile Testing applicable to software development without regards to language,
as long as an Automated Testing tool is available?

We do develop code in packages (.jar and .war)
so it is possible to add Unit Tests to the code.

Unfortunately, we do not have direct contact with our customers,
so we are not interacting on a daily or weekly basis with our customers.

But, I will ask again in a slightly different way,
is there anything in the book "Agile Testing" that would benefit people who do testing
even if they don't do development, in an agile way?

Surely there are some "Best Practices" presented?
What if we are more traditional than Agile?

Would we still benefit from reading "Agile Testing"?

Don't know if Chris figured out or received a solution for dealing with multiple portlets on the same "rendered" page with the same javascript functions, but the portlet spec does provide the portlet namespace. The portlet namespace allows each portlet to have its own version or personalized version of the same javascript function.

Having to do this, may be an example of the complexities Frank refers to as part of the portal stack.
Hi Amr,

So glad the title wasn't: "Agile Adoption Patterns: A Roadmap to Organizational Effectiveness".

Why this book?
Why now?

Will having "Agility Patterns" defined make it easier to convince management about the need to change?
