Marie Mazerolle

Ranch Hand
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since Oct 01, 2002
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French country & western is actually pretty popular in french-speaking Canada.

Of course, many of these songs are just remakes...
18 years ago
it makes a big difference. My mother tongue is French, and I've made so many mistakes over the past years speaking to my English-speaking friends.
For example, I told quite a few people that I was arrested by a cop before I realized what it really meant.
What I meant was I got pulled-over, but when you translate word-for-word, from English to French, "�t� arr�t�" becomes "was arrested"... :roll:
20 years ago
...on to SCJD!
20 years ago
Here's a question from my book("Professional SCWCD certication"):
Consider the following JavaBean:

Consider the following JSP code from User.jsp:
<jsp:userBean id="usr" scope="request" class="UserBean" />
<jsp:setProperty name="usr" property="*" />
<jsp:setProperty name="usr" property="department" />
<jsp:setProperty name="usr" property="department" param="dept"/>
<jsp:setProperty name="usr" property="department" value="Sales"/>
<jsp:setProperty name="usr" property="department" />
What will the output as the result of requesting the JSP page above via the following hyperlink:"IT"&department="Finance"
Select one correct answer:
a. FinanceITSales
b. Finance
c. IT
d. Sales
e. Nothing will be returned
"The correct answer is d, as the <jsp:setProperty> tabs are executed in order, and the last one explicitely sets the value to 'Sales'.
My answer was b, because in the book it says that

...the param and value parameters of the <jsp:setProperty> tag are optional, and should neither attribute be supplied, then the JSP engine assumes that there is a ServletRequest parameter available with the same name as declared by the property attribute.

Since the last setProperty tag was <jsp:setProperty name="usr" property="department" />, and a "department" parameter does exist in the ServletRequest, why isn't the answer Finance(b)??
Here's a tutorial: MVC at ChurchillObjects
Hope this helps!
I would love to see all the books from The Dark Tower series (Stephen King) made into movies...
-The Gunslinger
-The Drawing of the Three
-The Wastelands
-Wizard and Glass
-The Wolves of Calla
20 years ago
After reading this Java best practice, I realized that I was overusing inheritance by a factor of 10.
Back to the drawing board... :roll:
That's the way I've been doing it so far for my application. I was wondering if other alternatives were available. Maybe they would be better for what I'm trying to do.
Do you know where I can find more information about this?
Please consider the following code:

Is this the right way to share behavior or should I be doing something different?
Congratulations, Greg!
20 years ago
If I want to store my db, host and other general information in one location, what is the recommended approach? A properties file?
I'm sure there's a better solution than this, but in your query, you could select YEAR(theDate), MONTH(theDate) and DAY(theDate). Then, construct a java date from these values.
The class has a length() method that returns the file size.
20 years ago