shay Aluko

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Recent posts by shay Aluko

Originally posted by Rishi Ugersain Chopra:
See my other post with statistics regarding decline of total IT and Software Engineering jobs.

BTW, the mean number I mentioned was only $2k more than the mean for 2003. Certainly there are less respondents and fewer graduates with jobs, but this is naturally a result of market conditions.

I think the reason the average is still high is that quality large companies are still paying well. The consulting companies and small companies don't offer much, but some of the perrenial UC Berkeley favorites (Amazon, IBM, Microsoft) still pay well.

I also don't think the starting salaries were a major contributing factor to the bubble; a lot of the jobs that disappeared were for people who developing the same thing in parallel at multiple places (e.g. 5 .coms creating groupware). Now that companies like Yahoo offer free hosted services, who needs eGroups?

My advice to you is to "begin with the end in mind"--where do you see yourself in five years , tem years etc. I have been there and I have worked in biggest companies out there. Staking your career on Java or some transient technology is a mistake.I my honest opinion, you are looking to stake your career on something that's a commodity. You would have been better off taking the time to get a some industry specific education like a
an degree finance/accounting/healthcare etc than pounding the pavement to get a job that is in danger of being offshored.
just my $.02
19 years ago

Originally posted by PETER BERGOFF:
Hi everyone,

This is a question I posted a while ago and thought I'd try again to see if some REALLY smart person could give me a good answer. : )

While reviewing the class diagram in Cade's SCEA Study Guide in the case study (pg. 169):

Regarding the association between the classes Customer and CreditCard - why is the navigation arrow pointing towards Customer? Shouldn't the arrow point the other way (i.e. Customer has a reference to CreditCard). Why would the CreditCard class need a reference to Customer?

And also the same question regarding why the Order class has a navigation arrow pointing to Customer.

I'm not able to find really clear definitions and examples of how to use the association�s navigation arrow so if you know of any that would clear this up for me I would be very greatful.


I believe we are confusing two concepts here, navigability and multiplicity.
I this case multiple credit cards and participate in a relationship with a customer and also a credit card can indeed have two owners.(e.g a man and his wife). I don't agree with Cade's diagram in this case because i believe the association ia bidirectional. A credit card know its owner(s) and the owner knows creditcard he/she no arrows. Bear in mind Cade's diagram is really his opinion on how the relationship should be depicted. We are allowed to disagree...
my question may or may not belong in ths forum but I am assuming that all the guys pursuing SCEA are aspiring architects. If so, we must know that being an architect also means that we must have a thorough understanding of business concepts in a specific industry e.g finance, healthcare etc. What are guys on this board doing to get this. Other than an MBA, i see no other way of demonstrating business awareness/knowledge. Any ideas?--i have heard of some people pursuing the CFA or CPA as well...thoughts anyone?
I have seen value objects in some class diagrams, but my original question has not been answered
This question is for the UML experts here. What is the relationship between a business delegate and and its related value object. Is it a dependency or an association--i am not sure.
Nice website Jeffrey
19 years ago

Originally posted by Michael Ernest:
In these kinds of talks, I think it's really important to reserve the power of "yes" and "no" for special occasions. Since this is effectively a negotiation, you should negotiate: present what you feel you need to make this interview successful and mutually beneficial. This company can signal their preliminary intentions to you by offering to cover expenses.
It will be your travel time to and from their business, and your time spent to prepare yourself for questions they will ask. These are non-trivial costs, in my view: your time is important to you and that's all that needs to be said. It's not unreasonable to say that if this company is asking you to sacrifice your time and come their way, that they cover costs.
I was in your position at one time, Nathaniel, but it was far enough from where I am now that I can only advise what to me, today, is the 'right' thing to do. Demonstrate your character and principles to yourself as well as others. Bottom line, your time can't be replaced. Their money can.
You might not even get this interview if you stand your ground on this matter of protocol, but you'll win either way if you can be candid, honest, and unwavering on what you think is right.
[ April 21, 2004: Message edited by: Michael Ernest ]

well said --eom
19 years ago
every time i start up IE two things happen. some adserve window keep popping up, also my homepage seems to set to as a default. I have run Adaware and Spysubtract several times, how do i get rid of these vicious hijacking
20 years ago
Hi, I created some Jdbc providers and datasources on a node. I then added that node to an existing cell after i installed WebSphere Network dpeloyment. When i logged in to the Network deployment manager, i found that i had lost all the jdbc providers i defined, even though the node was now part of the cell. Anybody with any knowledge/ideas about this?

20 years ago

Originally posted by Rex Rock:
A standard microsoft testing question..pretty interesting..
"I am a tester. I am testing a software which needs to be released in 4 hours. I find
a severe bug during testing. I report the bug to the developer and give him the time
limit to solve it. The developer says, he needs 4 hours to fix the bug. Now you are
left with no time to test the software after the bug is fixed. What will you do in this

Your take?

The smart thing to do is : 2) ignore the bug and 2) create a microsoft patch or "enhancement" in a later update which fixes the bug
20 years ago

Originally posted by Edy Yu:
I have 7.5 years overall experience in the IT industry.
5 years Java
4 years J2EE
3 years in the architect role with a Global 200 company in Ohio(which is my current job)
Has B.S and M.S. ...
Former employers include a couple of big names in the software and consulting industry.
I currently making $86,000 in Ohio which is OK in my area. I rent a nice two bedroom townhouse for $565/month
The reason I want to move to Chicago is to start my weekend MBA program at U of Chicago GSB.
I am married and had experience traveling 100%, which I hated ...
But in today's job market, I found it is really hard to land an ideal job at an ideal city with an ideal company.
The recruiter said $86,000 to $100,000 is a big jump

Since the compensation is not finally decided yet, does anybody have any good advice negotiating with the employer?
Thanks in advance ...
[ March 01, 2004: Message edited by: Edy Yu ]

86,000 to 100,000 is not a big jump, you have to remember the recruiter is not working for you, he/she is just trying to make money. You need to drive a hard bargain and get the best deal you can, cos once you are in, the raises you get will be minimal. I am in a similar position, though i won't consider myself an architect yet. I don't think you you settle for anything less than a $20K to $25k increase
20 years ago

Originally posted by Tanga Palti:

But now no more H1B are coming to your county.Also B1/L1 are very few.So where is the problem?You mean to say those H1B in US are controlling IT market?Almost all job openings require anybody to born and brought up in USA.So whats your problem now?

please stick to the facts, L1 visas are not few, as a matter of fact a lot of fortune 500 companies routinely abuse L1 visas. I know cos i was a victim of the L1 very recently
20 years ago
At last!, solution to our employment problem, we all go commit grand larceny and voila ! you get 5 to 10 years in prison where you are guaranteed a job!
20 years ago
I think this is the best solution so far : "let's all be CEOs!", If you are the CEO, you can't be outsourced right?, that's the best way and this the future. If employees start taking a more entrepreneural approach to their lives, then this outsourcing thing won't be so bad. Think of this way, you are the CEO of your own affairs, if one company lays you off, find out what skills the market needs and retrain quickly. The future is here, people will not only change jobs several times, they will also change industry several times.This idea is not novel at all, in the victorian times, kings had mercenaries fight their wars for them. The so-called "free lances", that's where the word freelance comes from today.
20 years ago
I was trolling the web a while ago and I came across an interesting article on stock buybacks by fortune 500 companies. basically it works this way: executives are compensated with stock otpions and the only way such executives can make a profit when they excercise their options is to pump the company money into the stock market to prop up the stock price. They lay off hundreds of employees and ruin millions of lives just so a few people can line their pockets. The next logical question comes to mind, are some of these executives managing businesses or managing stock prices?. The problem we have is outsourcing, but it would not be so much of a problem if America were not held hostage to a cabal of greedy executives and wall street types.
For us to to get out of the problems we have today, there should be a radical rethink of executive compensation.
20 years ago