adolis pali

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since Aug 25, 2020
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Recent posts by adolis pali

Hi all, today I pass 1Z0-808 certificate, and next I want to take SQL certification. Googling gives me a lot of SQL certificates,  please advice what SQL certification recommend to take? About me: I am beginner, want to learn about database structure, how to create tables, what SQL types are, what is primary/foreign key ...  
Yes I am happy thanks really nice place
3 years ago
Hi all,
I wanna share my experience on 1Z0-8080. The preparation took about 2 months. I was too lazy for reading books, so I order Oracle Java Certification - Pass the Associate 1Z0-8080 from Udemy, really good course, I wanna recommend to all of you. What about mock tests? First, I order Java Certification: OCA Associate 1Z0-8080 exam Simulation from Udemy as well, my average 80%, but these test are too easy in my opinion, and not enough for preparation. Second choice was (average around 80%), but I was kind a disappointed of this service, really bad font, hard to read questions, tests contains several errors, also was questions about enums (out of scope). So at the last I go for (average 78%) page for ordering tests, web-page looks like a scamp/fraud (really very poor design, I though they wanna steal my money).  Enthuware mock tests in my opinion really  really good compared to other services, questions are very well balanced, so many thanks goes to enthuware. Today I took exam, first 7 questions were really tricky for me, it took for me around 30 minutes, I was in shock, disappointed wanna leave test room, but later goes everything well. I would give you one advice, if it seems to hard for you solve question, mark as "review", don't spend so much time, go for another question(It was my mistake). Final word, good luck to everyone in exams!
3 years ago
Thanks for your replay

if 5 number is Integer, why Short works?

Short s = 5;
Double d = 5;//error
Hi all, I have such code snippet:

      public static void main(String[] args) {
int myInt = 5;

double doubleA = myInt;//Ok
Double doubleB = myInt;//Error. Why this one is special?
Double doubleC = new Double(myInt);//Ok
Double doubleD = Double.valueOf(myInt);//Ok
Double doubleE = 5;//Error

static void print(Short myShort) {

Please give link to rules (or describe rules) why literals are treated differently?