B Hayes

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Anyone else using this?

I'm currently doing a project with JDeveloper and TopLink and it's a pain in the butt. Seems buggy as heck, and/or just poorly designed.
19 years ago
In my country (Canada), the average person on the street will undestand that "you work with computers" and that's about it. In most cases they equate computer knowledge with a Help Desk-like position. Ie: they think you'll know how to solve all their PC OS and hardware issues; even if you're a CIO.

The average person working in a business with an IS or IT department will have a better understanding of IT employees... but not by much. They won't normally know the difference between a Sys Admin and a Developer, for example.

Within an IT department, IT people have varying opinions of other IT people based on their role.

Overall, I find that these days (as opposed to 15+ years ago) IT employees have generally lost the stigma of being "nerds" or "geeks". The average person has a computer in their home, so it's not a geeky topic anymore.
19 years ago
It's probably better if you explain why you can't connect...

JDeveloper allows you to set-up connections (to DB, AS, SOAP server etc), and provides wizards to do so. They are pretty straight-forward.

However... you need to know the App Server log-in (usually ias_admin) and password. And, you need to know the OracleAS home directory because remote deployment involves the use of a server-side utility called DCMCTL. Also, you need to know the admin port (usually 1810).

Finally, if you're using EJBs then you need to set up the RMI connection info. All this stuff should be available from your sys-admin.

If you want to connect to the "standalone OC4J" conatiners built into JDeveloper, the log-in info is "admin" and "welcome" if I recall correctly.
19 years ago
I haven't noticed any difference between the version that you can download for free, and the version that's on my official Oracle CD... Yes, in both cases they have what is known as an "embedded" Application Sever.

Oracle uses "OC4J" (Oracle Containers for Java) in which to run J2EE apps. They ship a standalone version of OC4J with JDeveloper... when you run a J2EE app in the IDE, it starts up OC4J which then emulates an App Server. That means you don't need to deploy to an app server to test your app.

Additionally, you can start OC4J outside the IDE and have it running in the background on your machine so that you can test outside the IDE.

If you want to get up and running fast with JDeveloper... simply download it, run it, go to the Help menu item and then select "tutorials" (or something like that). There is plenty there to get you started. You will need a database though (but that's a free download too).
19 years ago
I recently checked out Eclipse and MyEclipse. However my current client uses JDeveloper.

From what I could see, MyEclipse could not remotely deploy J2EE apps from the IDE to the Oracle Application Server. If someone knows otherwise, please let me know.

JDeveloper has the nice feature of creating a .war or .ear file for your project and then based on your connection to the App Server, the ability to right-click on it and deploy remotely.

In the end though, .war and .ear can go to any App Server. So it's just a matter of how convenient you want the deployment to be. For instance, I have ias_admin priveleges on my client's test server, so I can remotely deploy using Oracle Enterprise Manager after I've created a .war... regardless of how it's created (IDE vs ANT for example).

If you have any questions just ask. I'm currently knee deep in JDeveloper/OracleAS (10G).
19 years ago
This is probably too late but: I ordered my JDeveloper 10G Handbook from Amazon weeks ago... and it hasn't shipped yet.

I have the 9i Handbook.

JDev 9i has the BC4J framework, but 10G has introduced the ADF framework which includes the BC4J framework. It also adds "UIX" which is Oracle's version of JSF.

I would contend that if you are planning to use 10G for production apps -- AND you plan to use Oracle's proprietary frameworks -- that you should probably get the 10G handbook. My current client invited me to a JDeveloper 10G presentation recently, and there is a fair bit of difference between 9i and 10G if you've gone BC4J.

If you plan to stay away from BC4J/ADF, then you probably don't need the new book -- unless you want an intro to the IDEs new features... like the Struts or Database GUI designer.
19 years ago
What's more pertinent is that Oracle just rolled Toplink into JDeveloper 10G, and their ADF framework.
I'd be curious to hear if anyone in an Oracle shop is using Hibernate.
I think we've all been there. You just have to stick with it. After graduating I went 6 months with only 3 interviews, and I had a GPA of 3.45.
When I look back on how I got my first job, I think it was because of how keen I was in certain areas of IT. For example, I loved Assembly language back in the 90s and the company that hired me had a ton of it. Sure, on my resume I had no Assembly experience but I could "talk the talk" because of the hours I spent on it -- on my own time.
What do you really like about IT? What are you really good at? You should focus on that stuff because that's what you'll be passionate about in an interview. I think this is why you'll find interviewers asking about "your areas of expertise". They want to make sure you're a good match for what they have planned for that position.
19 years ago
There was a guy at the comp.lang.cobol newsgroup who did write such a converter (and was advertising it). I had a look at the generated code; and while I admire the guy's efforts -- I thought the converted code would be a maintenance nightmare.
Try using the dcmctl command line utility (see Oracle AS documentation).
I believe I had problems with 9i EM on Windows 2000.
I'm using 10g AS now and it seems much better.
19 years ago

Originally posted by Dushy Inguva:
First, we have a naming policy in javaranch. Please follow it. (In simple terms, state your first name and last name in your profile)

My understanding is that an initial is allowed for a first name.
If that is not correct, the Naming Policy here should be corrected:
..specifically: "You can even use initials for the first name if you like.
19 years ago
This may sound like a silly question, since most work experience is good work experience. But lately all my contract work has been with POJO, and XML usually... doing back-end interfaces (usually to marry disparate IS systems together). There is often some Perl glue in there also.
However I'm rarely, if ever, doing any front-end stuff (Swing or Web-based) or J2EE (of which I have limited knowledge anyway, but enough that I'd like to move that way).
At the end of the day, does this POJO experience count for much? Or am I mistaken in thinking that most Java developers are web-based or J2EE developers?
19 years ago
If you can find any job, and stick with it for three years, you could then try your hand at consulting. There are a few more hassles involved, but it's very challenging and the pay scale is higher.
19 years ago
Try some other ports: like 8889 and 7778
19 years ago
I normally see the programmer->programmer/analyst->systems analyst progression at most companies.
Systems Analysts generally don't code as much, by most definitions.
20 years ago