I understand NetBeans and Eclipse are the 2 great open Source IDEs in the market.
I have the following questions before I decide to go with open source IDEs over Visual Cafe or Visualage or WSAD.
1) How could we use open source
IDE in a Team environment.When I say team environment, having a common repository with client.
2) To build Swing UI, I think open source IDEs have drag and drop features. Do they have the ability to create Model class with Property Chane listeners as we have in VAJ
3)What kind version control can we use?
4) What are the limitations for open source IDEs over VAJ or Visual Cafe etc....
If NetBeans or Eclipe support all features as VAJ or Visual Cafe, Why should some one pay money and buy WSAD or Visual Cafe or JBuilder?
Your inputs with some URLs will be greatky appreciated because I am in a position to decide one way or other?
Sri Rangan