Hey Kyle, nice presentation. I had a question relating to the PDF...specifically the slide on page 16 (the second one labeled "Project Organization best practices"). In this slide you show a single EAR file (ProjectA.ear) containing 2 WAR files (ProjectA.war and ProjectA'.war). Are you implying that the source code for both WAR files is located in the same CVS project, or are you implying that they are contained in separate CVS projects? The reason that I am asking is that our company develops many different web-based
Java applications under Websphere/WSAD, but all of the application components rely on a set of core components including login, security, session management, user management, database access, etc. Most of these core componenets include
JSP, beans, and various miscellaneous web files. I am trying to organize our source control (CVS) so that the core components could be maintained in one project, and the application components could each reside in their own projects. The goal is that the core components could be deployed with any (or all) of the custom application modules to comprise a deployment. The challenge, however, is the fact that when separate projects are synchronized in WSAD and deployed to the
test environment, they are deployed under separate contexts. This means that a user could not log into the "core components" project using one context root, and have seamless access to the application modules deployed using separate context roots. There is also a need to share session information between each project. I tried deploying both the core project and the application project under the same context root, however, it appears that this is not supported by Websphere (or even the
J2EE spec). Anyway, do you have any suggestions on how I could accomplish this using WSAD 4.03 and CVS? I am trying to avoid using external build tools (i.e.
Ant) if I don't have to.