Hi Tim,
Whoops, my bad. I didn't realize you wanted the output to go to the Eclipse console. I figured you just meant the system console that you're launching Eclipse from.
The console view seems to be closely assoicated with debugging: it looks like you can launch another process, directing its output to the console, and even monitor and annotate that output. That's what Ant seems to do. But, I don't think you can just redirect text to the console. That doesn't seem to be what it's designed for.
Do you have a newsgroup/mailing list account at Eclipse? If so, here's an old
proposal for the shared console design.
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to output, but if it's something that a user shouldn't ignore, a dialog box would probably be appropriate. Otherwise, you should probably just log it. Note that the log can be redirected to the console view, by running with the "-consolelog" switch.
PS Nope, I work in Canada, for IBM.