I'm quite sure many have stumbled into finding a decent, free XML and JSP editor. I know MyEclipseIDE is almost free (around $30) but that's still an obstacle. Also, the online documentation for developing plugins has still room for improvement. On the other hand, I've only developed one plugin to get a superficial understanding of the inside, so my exposure is still limited...
I'd like to see chat really integrated with the IDE. Some basic project management would be nice (Bugzilla?) I'd also like to have mail and news integrated. Kent
Author of <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0596007434/ref=jranch-20" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">JUnit Pocket Guide</a>
Originally posted by Kent Beck: I'd like to see chat really integrated with the IDE. Some basic project management would be nice (Bugzilla?) I'd also like to have mail and news integrated. Kent
Chat? No way. Project Managemant? Heck yeah Mail and News? No way. Of course, since they are plugins, I guess I don't HAVE to use them huh. [ November 11, 2003: Message edited by: Gregg Bolinger ]
I'm just wondering how these plugins are being tested. I downloaded one couple days ago and had to delete it because it was throwing a lot of errors. Is there some test suite that plugins have to conform with?
I'm not going to be a Rock Star. I'm going to be a LEGEND! --Freddie Mercury
Matthew, there's always Antenna that you can incorporate into your Ant script... (although I admit that it would rock to have an option for "New -> J2ME project")
A C# plug-in for Eclipse ? I believe there is one but folks seemed to think it was very rocky. Improve C# plug-in for Eclipse Does C# use Patterns the same way that Java does ? regards [ November 12, 2003: Message edited by: HS Thomas ]
I believe there is one but folks seemed to think it was very rocky.
Yep, I had the Improve C# plugin in my Eclipse until yesterday and it's nothing compared to VS.NET (probably also with Borland C# Builder and SharpDevelop).
Does C# use Patterns the same way that Java does ?
Yes. Do a quick search at Amazon.com for "C#" and "patterns"...
Originally posted by Lasse Koskela: Matthew, there's always Antenna that you can incorporate into your Ant script... (although I admit that it would rock to have an option for "New -> J2ME project")
I'll check that one out. The most important aspect to me is to have a built in sample phone to run it on. Since Siptech's plugin hooks into the wireless toolkit, it has that. Unfortunately, when you create the project, it creates a MIDlet that doesn't appear in Eclipse and can't be imported since it is the source directory. I haven't had a chance to really look at the problem though to find a solution.
Matthew Phillips
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