Originally posted by Jeff Langr:
I've downloaded NetBeans twice and given up on it twice; the whole thing just rubs me the wrong way for some reason. Perhaps having someone guide me through it might have helped.
Perhaps you'd appreciate following
the "An Introduction to Java Development with NetBeans IDE - A NetBeans IDE Project Basics Tutorial" article I put together a while ago. Also available in
a printable version.
In any case, what are some of the things that NetBeans does that Eclipse does not? One thing I was disappointed in with respect to NetBeans was its refactoring support.
NetBeans has free
JSP, html, xml support out of the box. It ain't the greatest, but it's a lot more than Eclipse offers. In my experience,
ant tasks are easier to configure and run through the IDE (Eclipse seems to mess with the ant runtime settings in some strange way I don't understand). And GUI developers will appreciate the built-in visual GUI editing environment, also not found in Eclipse out of the box.
The NetBeans refactoring support is disappointing. Luckily others like
RefactorIT have filled this gap with plug-ins.
I really hate that Eclipse keeps changing the way plug-ins work with each incremental release.
I'm not suggesting that I prefer NetBeans over Eclipse. I just like to know what features different IDEs provide, so I have a better idea of some "ideal".