Hi Guys,
I have a very big doubt...
I have the following,
netBeans 5.0,
JBoss 4.0.3sp1. I have developed a sample
J2EE application using Sun Application Server...Now what I did was installed JBoss and added it to the netBeans 5.0 and did((dumb one)) try to stop sun application server and started JBoss on port 8080 and ran the project which was developed using sun application server. Now what my
IDE did was, it tried starting sun application server instead of deploying it to JBoss which is already listening to port 8080. Guys, this may be a dumb question as I'm just a beginner...so my question here is, using the netBeans IDE, when developing a sample project, if I use a particular server, then I can't later run the project under a different server without changing anything??
If I have to change the configurations, then which are the ones need attention??anyone help me on this...
Thanks in advance.