Pounding at a thick stone wall won't move it, sometimes, you need to step back to see the way around.
Pounding at a thick stone wall won't move it, sometimes, you need to step back to see the way around.
I Hope This Helps
Carl Trusiak, SCJP2, SCWCD
Pounding at a thick stone wall won't move it, sometimes, you need to step back to see the way around.
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; that's why they call it the present." Eleanor Roosevelt
"JavaRanch, where the deer and the Certified play" - David O'Meara
Pounding at a thick stone wall won't move it, sometimes, you need to step back to see the way around.
Matthew Phillips
Take a Minute, Donate an Hour, Change a Life
Originally posted by Angela Poynton:
When I met up with George Brown the other day we were discussing that if every bartender / sheriff at javaranch actually got together to form a software development company we'd be fantastic!! It still amazes me that such an amazing site as this is put together by a bunch of people who work remotely from all over the world in their spare time!
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Pounding at a thick stone wall won't move it, sometimes, you need to step back to see the way around.
Uncontrolled vocabularies
"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
Jane Griscti
SCJP, Co-author Mike Meyers' Java 2 Certification Passport
Open Group Certified Distinguished IT Architect. Open Group Certified Master IT Architect. Sun Certified Architect (SCEA).
That is a really big piece of pie for such a tiny ad:
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