OK, I think I'm beginning to get an idea. The sysdeo plugin is a full-fledged Tomcat manager, so it can handle both Eclipse projects and binary apps. It's actually Tomcat running this stuff, so Eclipse doesn't get involved at all. You can just copy the WAR to the TOMCAT_HOME/webapps directory, or you can setup a web context in the TOMCAT_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost directory that establishes a URL context and points to the WAR file, wherever you have it stored. This is slightly different in Tomcat4, but Tomcat4 is now about 3 years past end-of-life, so I sincerely
hope you're using a Tomcat 5 or later.
Just to run the WARs under that Tomcat server requires nothing more than that. Like I said, Eclipse doesn't care. However, if you have source code for the WARs, you can create Eclipse
Java Projects, which you'll usually want to do with one project per WAR. You'd then import the WAR source code into those projects. Finally, you'd use the Tomcat options on the Window/Preferences menu to indicate to sysdeo that the source code is related to the WARs. At that point, you'll be able to set breakpoints on the source files and do all the other debugging techniques same as if you'd built up your own WARs from your own source code.
Hope that makes things a little clearer.
[ February 20, 2007: Message edited by: Tim Holloway ]