Im running SuSE 7.3 Pro on a development box at home and here is what I found was the easiest way to configure
Java and Tomcat.
1) I went into YAST2, selected rc.config and turned off the Java lib setting (cant remember exactly what its called but its listed under general or base
2) I made sure that there were no prior java installations on the box ie kaffe or an earlier Sun JDK.
3) I downloaded the 1.4JDK bin file from java.sun.com, not the red hat rpm.
4) Run the bin file and copied the j2sdk1.4.0 directory created by the bin file to /usr/local/
5) I then edited /etc/profile and added the $JAVA_HOME variable at the bottom of the file.
6) Repeat for Tomcat.
I'll provide a more detailed description when I get home tonight, but the above is the gist of what I did.