Hi -
RPM stands for Red Hat Package Manager. If you double click the .bin icon then it will inflate and create another .rpm file. You have to install that running rpm -ivh filename. I do not know whether double clicking the .rpm works.
Now you can create a java source code anywhere you like. The best place may be a sub directory under your home. If your class name is MyClass then you may have to create it in MyClass.java file. You can create the source using any plain text editor - Emacs, Vi, Jedit, Jext.. or even some IDEs like Eclipse (
http://www.eclipse.org ) or JBuilder (
http://www.borland.com ). I would advise you to use some simple text editors until you are familiar with all the aspects of Java. Once you are confident, you can switch to an
IDE. An IDE can reduce the typing you need to do.
Now using java thru terminal you need to compile your java program:
cd ~
(This will take you to your home directory)
cd javasrc
(this is where you created the Java code)
now do
javac MyClass.java
(a file MyClass.class will be created)
now do
java Myclass
Hope this helps.
[ February 11, 2003: Message edited by: Hari Gangadharan ]