"sridevi", The Java Ranch has thousands of visitors every week, many with surprisingly similar names. To avoid confusion we have a naming convention, described at http://www.javaranch.com/name.jsp . We require names to have at least two words, separated by a space, and strongly recommend that you use your full real name. Please log in with a new name which meets the requirements. Thanks.
In IE and Netscape you can do this: <A HREF="http://my.yahoo.com" OnMouseOver="this.style.color='red'" OnMouseOut="this.style.color='black'">my.yahoo.com</A>
Hi ! this way of doing it changes the color of the text and not the background of the text. thanks, sridevi
Originally posted by Bodie Minster: In IE and Netscape you can do this: <A HREF="http://my.yahoo.com" OnMouseOver="this.style.color='red'" OnMouseOut="this.style.color='black'">my.yahoo.com</A>
you should check out cascading style sheets, they can do all kinds of nify things, and you dont have to put 30000 <FONT> tags, or bgcolor attributes...
what you want to do is called hovering, i think.... [This message has been edited by Ruyard Kipling (edited April 26, 2001).]
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