Hi Scriptians, Can you help me out, I need a Tool tip on each and every component like textbox, Buttons etc on HTML page. Now How can I do this. Do you any related links for that plz. forward me. Thankz..
Hi Add the title parmeter to each element of the form. Below is an example of tooltip for textbox and submit button: <p><input type="text" name="T1" size="20" title="textbox"></p> <p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1" title="submit button" ></p> Hope this helps.
Hey I didn't know that. I like My fear is that this might be browser dependant so an alternative could be to have an image of a question mark next to each item and set the alt for the image. Dave.
The human mind is a dangerous plaything. This tiny ad is pretty safe: