Hi Bodie,
Thanks for the response.
Actually this is the string, which is an XML string from whivh I have to extract the value of the GCCOUNT tag.
test = ' <?xml version="1.0"?> <ARCXML version="1.0"> <RESPONSE> <GEOCODE>
<FEATURE featureid="1">
<FIELD type="4" name="SCORE" size="5" precision="0"> <FIELDVALUE valuestring="100" /> </FIELD> <FIELD type="12" name="ADDRESSFOUND" size="17" precision="0"> <FIELDVALUE valuestring="2940N LINCOLN AVE" /> </FIELD> <FIELD type="-98" name="SHAPEFIELD"> <FIELDVALUE> <POINT x="1166877.68985714" y="1919619.76558407" /> </FIELDVALUE> </FIELD> </FEATURE> <GCCOUNT count="1" /> </GEOCODE> </RESPONSE> </ARCXML>';
From this I have to extract the value of the Geocode tag.
I have to do it using Javascript.