This week's book giveaway is in the Agile and Other Processes forum. We're giving away four copies of DevSecOps Adventures: A Game-Changing Approach with Chocolate, LEGO, and Coaching Games and have Dana Pylayeva on-line! See this thread for details.
hello everyone, I am trying to use the focus methods and select methods in a selection list. below is the code for everyone to help me see why it does not highlight the wages when i click yes or no.
some words may be spelled differently to be shown on javaranch. Davy [ April 21, 2004: Message edited by: Davy Kelly ] [ April 21, 2004: Message edited by: Davy Kelly ]
Hi Eric, You know I am doing distance learning, I have done java and now on the javascript part. the code i have above is direct from what they are teaching me, but the material is made by a differnt company, they just use the program, if you get what i mean. so what I did is straight from the material, so I don't understand what you mean by you don't use select like that? davy