I have a
JSP with a FORM which includes an iFrame.
This JSP has a button which submits the FORM and all of its elements to the
Inside the iFrame, I display a list of tours. Each tour has got a radio button with it. The user must be able to check the radio button of one tour if he/she wants to see the details of this tour. With the submit button the user must be able to ask the servlet to show the details for the tour with the checked radio button.
But remember : the submit button is in the form of the JSP, the radio button is in the iFrame.
When I submit the form, I can read the value of the different elements of the <FORM>, but I can�t read the value of the checked radio button. This radio button is in the iFrame (which I have put inside the <FORM>
My question is : is it possible to read the values of the checked radio button of the iFrame ? Does the submitted FORM communicate the values of every element to the servlet including the values of the iFrame ?
Or is an iFrame considered being completely apart from the FORM ?
[ May 22, 2004: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]