i can easily create a form with a few boxes and different options but i'm having alot of trouble with the submit part which i think should be rather simple but doesn't seem to be. i want the inputed information to be saved in the same folder as the HTML files or something close to that. Is there a way to do this? thanks in advance.
I think you might be a little short on info here. The information that is gathered exists in memory. You must pull it from the request and save it some how. Are you using some time of application or other language to collect this info. Tell us more about what you're doing.
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.<br />Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790)
thats my problem, i dont know what to put as code for the asp page. i'm trying to figure it out from a JSP book but it has to be in HTML and i can't figure how to change it over.
thats my problem, i dont know what to put as code for the asp page. i'm trying to figure it out from a JSP book but it has to be in HTML and i can't figure how to change it over.
It can't be in HTML. HTML is a client-only technology. The server-side saving must be performed with a server-side program, be that ASP, JSP, CGI, or any other server-side alphabet soup.