posted 18 years ago
I have a 2 divs, on a change event i show one and hide the other.
The problem that I have is, the two div's(which contain select boxes) appear in different positions.
i.e the the div whch is visible by default, when i hide it and show the other one, the 2nd one comes on a line below the first one.
I want the second one to appear in the same place as the first one.
I am pasting the part of code here please help.
<td class='RMDataLeftAlignedBold'>State*</td>
<td class='RMDataLeftAlignedBold'>
<div id="selectnone">
<select name="fldState1">
<option value=" ">Select State</option>
<div id="selectstate" style="hidden">
<select name="fldState">
<option value=" ">Select State</option>
<xsl:for-each select='//statrs/statelist'>
<option value="{@idstate}">
<xsl:value-of select="@namstate"/>
<script language="JavaScript">
var ctry_opt=document.frmRegSubAgent.fldCountry.value;