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Combo Box and Getting Data from the BEA Content Repository

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I am moving this post over from the Java Beginner area. I was told I would be able to get more help in this section.


I am a Beginner to Java. I am really confused and there is so much information out on the internet that I am having a tough time figuring out what to use and where to put the code. I have a list of courses that I am supposed to create a Training portlet for to allow users to pick one or more courses (with what I would think would be a combo box) and then have that information sent in an email to the course administrator. I also need to create an Admin page that can update the BEA content repository. I am at least started on the request.jsp file that I am trying to use to create the combo box with the course information and a submit button, but I am really stuck on how to get the combo box to show up and then how to get that information sent in an email once the user clicks on the Submit button. I will include what I have so far. Please let me know if I am heading in the right direction.

Thank you,


Here is my code:

& lt %@ page language="java" contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"%>
& lt %@ page import="portlets.util.PortalTips.Utils"%>

& lt %@ taglib uri="netui-tags-databinding.tld" prefix="netui-data"%>
& lt %@ taglib uri="netui-tags-html.tld" prefix="netui"%>
& lt %@ taglib uri="netui-tags-template.tld" prefix="netui-template"%>
& lt %@ taglib uri="content.tld" prefix="cm"%>
& lt %@ taglib prefix="utility" uri="http://www.bea.com/servers/p13n.tags/utility"%>
& lt %@ taglib uri="http://www.bea.com/servers/portal/tags/personalization" prefix="pz"%>

& lt %-- Retrieve the content and display each node name in a list. --%>
& lt pz:contentSelector rule="CurrMissCommTraining" id="nodes" useCache="false" cacheTimeout="300"

cacheScope="application" cacheId="MissCommTraining"/>
& lt % Arrays.sort(nodes, new Utils.NodeComparator("Course", "Description"));
java.lang.System.out.println(nodes); %>

& lt table>
& lt tr>
& lt th align="left">Missile Community Course Description& lt /th>
& lt /tr>
& lt tr>
& lt td> Please submit your name, office code, phone number, and BAND Level for the course you

would like to attend. You will be notified by the course administrator as to whether you have been

registered for the course, depending on need and availability.& lt /td>
& lt /tr>
& lt /table>

& lt utility:notNull item="& lt %=nodes%>">
& lt ul>
& lt utility:forEachInArray array="& lt %=nodes%>" id="node"
& lt li>& lt cm:getProperty id="node" name="cm_nodeName" conversionType="html"/>& lt /li>
& lt /utility:forEachInArray>
& lt /ul>
& lt /utility:notNull>

& lt form name="checkForm">

& lt SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">& lt !--
for (var i=0;i& lt 10;i++)
document write(i + ': & lt INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="box' + i +'">');
//-->& lt /SCRIPT>

& lt P>

& lt INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" onklick="show()" VALUE="Show">
& lt INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" onklick="set()" VALUE="Set">
& lt INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" onklick="unset()" VALUE="Unset">
& lt INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" onklick="reverse()" VALUE="Reverse">

& lt /FORM>

& lt netui:html>
& lt head>
& lt title>
Missile Community Training Registration
& lt /title>
& lt /head>
& lt body>
& lt netui:form action="RegisterforMCTraining">
& lt table>
& lt tr valign="top">
& lt td>Name:& lt /td>
& lt td>
& lt netui:textBox dataSource="{actionForm.name}"/>
& lt /td>
& lt /tr>
& lt tr valign="top">
& lt td>Office Code:& lt /td>
& lt td>
& lt netui:textBox dataSource="{actionForm.officecode}"/>
& lt /td>
& lt /tr>
& lt tr valign="top">
& lt td>Phone Number:& lt /td>
& lt td>
& lt netui:textBox dataSource="{actionForm.phonenumber}"/>
& lt /td>
& lt /tr>
& lt tr valign="top">
& lt td>Band Level:& lt /td>
& lt td>
& lt netui:textBox dataSource="{actionForm.bandlevel}"/>
& lt /td>
& lt /tr>
& lt /table>
& lt br/>
& lt netui:button value="Submit" type="submit"/>
& lt /netui:form>
& lt /body>
& lt /netui:html>

Thanks in advance for your help!
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