Originally posted by nabi bux:
var myval=document.form1;
is there any difference of your statement and mine one please explain
Originally posted by nabi bux:
i have other problem to got focus on the check boxes
shown below please help
<td align="right"><input type="checkbox" name="edu[]" value="matric"></td>
<td class="mytext">Matric</td>
<td align="right"><input type="checkbox" name="edu[]" value="inter"></td>
<td class="mytext">Inter</td>
<td align="right"><input type="checkbox" name="edu[]" value="bsc"></td>
<td class="mytext">Bsc</td>
Originally posted by nabi bux:
but there is problem i thing you post the code about the check box
ok first of all see what i want i have form having array of check box name edu i use post method to get value frm form when i check two check box i use for loop to get the value at second but the problem with your is that when i check all chekbox the last checkbox value transfered on the second page am i right
and secong this is that i want to get focus on the checkbox
let i java script code that check either check boxex are checked or not if no checkbox is cheked then show alert message please check the edu echeckbox and send fox to the check box at the top
I hope you understan what i need
thanks for the reply
Returns an array of String objects containing all of the values the given request parameter has, or null if the parameter does not exist.
If the parameter has a single value, the array has a length of 1.
Originally posted by nabi bux:
Thanks but i m using sever side PHP
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