Hi all,
I'm desperately seeking help with a problem I'm having with an XSLT transformation using JDom. I'm pretty new to Jdom/XSLT/etc. and I'm not really sure if the problem is JDOM or XALAN related. Nonetheless, here goes:
One of my XML elements has HTML text in it. I'm storing it as CDATA:
<FullButton><![CDATA[<input type ="hidden" name="year" value="2001"><input type ="hidden" name="make" value="Volvo"><input type ="hidden" name="model" value="S40"><input type ="hidden" name="trim" value="SE 4dr Sedan (1.9L 4cyl Turbo 5A)">]]></FullButton>
After I do the transformation, the "<" and ">" are all transformed into < and >, screwing up the html formatting. I have spent all morning trying various fixes that I have found on various message boards, including:
* using disable-output-esacping="yes"- this just causes my resulting HTML
doc to have this declartion surrounding the appropriate text: <?javax.xml.transform.disable-output-escaping?>
* using <xsl:copy-of .../> instead of <xsl:value-of>
* inserting a cdata-section-elements="//styleinfo/FullButton" element into the <xsl:output .../> declaration.
I can't get anything to work. I was searching around on apache's Xalan site, and it looks like Xalan *SHOULD* process this correctly. So I'm wondering if it's something with JDom? For the most part, I am using the most recent Jdom .java files from the CVS (as opposed to what's in the build 6 .jar file)- and I'm also using xalan.jar etc. from the Jdom repository.
Any advice is greatly appreciated!