i'm a newbie in xml. can i convert a ResultSet into an XML-File with java and any package and HOW ? (a little example,please) i want to convert the complete ResultSet in XML and the other way a complete XML-File with the same naming-rules to an ResultSet or database. what is the right method of resolution. is any tool available ?
without having used it, I accidentally came across this
There's no limit to the potential builders. For example, now that Xerces has the Xerces Native Interface (XNI) to operate at a lower level than SAX, it may make sense to write an XNIBuilder to support some parser knowledge not exposed via SAX. One popular builder that has been contributed to the JDOM project is the ResultSetBuilder. It takes a JDBC result set and creates an XML document representation of the SQL result, with various configurations regarding what should be an element and what should be an attribute.
in a text about jdom. from oracle site could be nice starting point for own research.
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