I am creating an installer for a
Java application. I have to set the environment variables as part of creating the installer. I am facing a problem and need some suggestions.
I am using Win 2K Professional Edition (SP4).
If I install my application in following directory:
and set
then, everything works fine and my application runs.
But if I install it in:
C:\my folder\myapp (Please note the space in "my folder")
and set
myapp_home=C:\my folder\myapp (Please note the space in "my folder")
then my application is installed but does not run. I get the following JVM Launcher error message: "Could not find main class. Program will exit".
Basically I want to install my application in
C:\Program Files\myapp (Please note the space in "Program Files")
So the important point here is that if there is a space in the path (while setting environment variable), then my application does not run. If there is no space then it runs.
I've spent quite afew hours trying to figure out the exact problem & its solution but my efforts have gone in vain. Your valuable suggestions are welcomed.
[ February 19, 2004: Message edited by: Danish Shaukat ]
[ February 19, 2004: Message edited by: Danish Shaukat ]