At work I have a pretty good machine. 2.0 GHz with 1G of ram. Unfortunately, it has Windoze installed on it.
The nightmare of a project I am working on has a build file that will run out of memory unless I set -Xmx1024m. Needless to say, during the build, my machine can't really do anything else. Well, it can, but it's just now performing well. That I can live with. What bothers me the most is that for a long time after the build has completed it seems like Windoze is not recovering the memory allocated for the vm very well. When it finally does, the machine is fine.
I have never had a problem like that in Linux. So I assume it has to be something with Windoze memory management capabilities. Does anyone have any recommendations for tweaks that I can do to get Windoze to recover memory quicker, besides installing Linux.
Am I even correct in my thinking that this is the problem?