Get the disk ... do not install it until Vista has been around a few months, read forums and see what other people's experience is and IF you don't think there are any major problems you can't live with ... give it a shot. I believe you can always roll back an upgrade anyway
I should add. Vista scares the heck out of me.... it looks so ... DIFFERENT! I'm still struggling to come to terms with the change in IE7, what I've seen of Vista I feel like i'm going to have to learn how to use a computer all over again.
What's worse, my parent's computer died last week and they'll be getting a new one in a month or two, and I'm going to bet it has Vista... it took MONTHS to get them used to Win 98 (I know!!) Vista is going to look like a very scary whole new world to them ... sigh!
It'll probably be fine, I just resist change
[ January 30, 2007: Message edited by: Angela Poynton ]