Well everyone, I too have finally become an
SCJP! I must say that my score does mot reflect how hard I studied, got 62% but I have never been soo happy to have such a low mark on the exam. I have been programming in
Java for 1 year and a half and many of the questions on the exam were tricky. I got about 7 or 8 questions on increment and decrement in for and while loops, lost loads of points there. I see that my lack of knowledge in OO programming hit me hard, on the other hand I breezed through I/O, java.lang and threads, pretty weird. Anyways, here is the markdown of my sections:
Declarations and access control 37% (Cannot believe I got so low)
Flow control and exception handling 71%
Garbage Collection 100%
Language Fundamentals 77%
Operators and assignments 57%
Overloading, Overriding, Runtime type, OO 28% (Ouch!)
Threads 71%
Java.lang 100%
Java.util 100%
Io 80%
I want to thank you all for the guidance during the last 3 months, I must say that without all your help I never would of made it. Many thanks to JQ+ (What a wonderful Mock Exam Simulation) and everyone who took the time to answer my sometimes basic questions. Just a
word of caution, just beacuse we have experience in Java does not mean that SCJP is an easy task, much work and patience is needed. I could have studied more and that is reflected in my result. Anyways thanks again and on to