After 2 weeks of studying, I'm glad to say that I passed the exam.
Here's the breakdown:
Declarations and access control: 87
Flow control and exception handling: 100
Garbage Collection: 100
Language Fundamentals: 77
Operators and Assignments: 57
Overloading, Overriding, RTT & Object Orientations: 85
Threads: 100
java.awt: 50
java.lang: 100
java.util: 100
java.io: 80
Overall, I found that the
test was slightly harder than the Marcus Green exams, possibly due to the nature of the questions. Time was definately not an issue as I finished slightly over an hour and I used the rest of the time to double check my answers.
My resources include RHE (90%), Marcus Green's tutorials & exams (80-85%) and Exam Cram (75%). And of course, the JavaRanch forums. Thanks for all the help!
For those of you who passed the exam, are you eligible to register for the developer certif (to download the assignment) the very next day? I just registered and I received an email saying that my candidate ID is invalid. I double checked the number with my printout and it seems to be correct. Perhaps my score isn't entered in the Galton database?
Thanks again,