My first advice stay cool, relaxed and calm in the exam .The exam starts off in such a way that u will surely lose ur patience, and is 99% sure that u will atleast lose 5 to 6 q's. all the threads that are posted to this forum says that u should retain ur cool.i knew this will be going to affect the exam but i thought that once u gain ur confidence by correcting few q's u will get on the right track. But i was wrong i got 88% marks but i was not confident abut a single Q. The change in the working conditions,change in the piece of hardware that u get,and on that the hysteria of the exam centre, makes a piece of cake turn into a rock.Thats what i experienced while taking the exam i was sure that i will get above 90% in the exam.But lost my cool, thats what hit me the most. i tried very hard to maintain my cool but not for a moment i was able to.For this i event skipped the q's which i knew(on threads and I/O),i left abut 17-18 q's straight away.Friends it my most sincere and humble advice to u to stay calm while taking the exam.
One thing which i can suggest u is go to different working environment and take the will build ur confidence.U will ur self see that the q's which are piece of shit turns into rocks of Gibraltor.So pls my do exams in different working environment.
some quick facts abut myself i am 3rd year student of BCA(Bachelor in Computer Applications fron IGNOU).I have very sound programming background in 'C'(even TSR programming).It took me 4 months for preparation.on average 3-4 hrs a day and last one month 8-10 hours a day(again don't go on how much time i devoted to learn ,remember to stay calm)
Now some actual things abut exam.I found the exam easier than marcus green exams.i q on overriding was very tricky, which i have not encountered even in the mocks.I/O is easy u learn all the constructors and ur done. Threads need some time to devote.but if u buy any of jq+ or Jwhiz it will do the job for threading more than enough.
my average score on JWhiz was 90%(I HAD EVEN SCORED 98% ON ONE EXAM IN JWHIZ) ,so i was convinced that there is no way that i won't achieve 90+ in exam.i used Khalid and RHE and JWhiz.
one thing i wan't to tell u is i first read Khalid ,which made me feel that i know nothing,(imp ->)which i used as a booster i prepared harder. Than when i did RHE in straight 13 days my confidence level increased to almost double.and gradually my confidence started increasing after doing JWhiz also.But again my friends i know there are some of u which will again read this
thread and think that we are not like others ,who lose their cool, and those are the one who will surely commit a mistake. the advice that i gave above in the thread will really help u(but unfortunately i was also one of those guys who will think that i will not lose my cool and paid the price.)
interface cool {}
interface calm {}
interface relaxed {}
if not implemented ExamTimeException will surely occur.