Thanks to everyone in the Programmer Certification forum not only for the answers but the companionship � it felt like I was learning with a group. Also the tenacity some of you go after the truth with helped me get with the program.
Thanks again I enjoyed the stop SCWCD! Ye-Ha cowboy!
Anyway my tips are all the regular ones�.
Lots of thread questions that are quite lengthy � most of these boiled down to the behavior cannot be guaranteed.couple of trick questions, with instance methods being called from main, assignments in if statements, Immutable Strings etc.Make sure you know inner classes (all types), overriding access modifiers etc.I had plenty of time and used all of it. First pass I took slow, then I did a second complete pass, then came back to marked questions. when I was taking the test I kept careful notes on my thoughts for questions I was not 100% sure on. I also kept notes on all calculations, bit shifts etc.the testing center gave me a laminated sheet and a marker to write with which I was not expecting but worked out fine. My study plan was simple. I have worked with
Java on again/off again for about 2 years. But have done programming in several other environments.
I used Kathy / Bert�s book for a base. Read all chapters at least once � Threads and Inner classes several times.I wrote and ran a lot of "test" code just like the mocks and examples...this helped me remember concepts. Used the Master Exam that is part of their bookUsed several other mock examsCompiled a list of Java �Gotcas� that I reviewed daily the last weekPlayed a lot with the Rules Round Up Game