This is my first post here and I just wanted to say thanks to the wonderful people of the
SCJD forum.
Grade: P
Score: 387
Comment: This report shows the total 1.4 SCJD points that could have been awarded in each section, and the actual number of points you were awarded. This is provided to give you per-section feedback on your strengths. The maximum possible score is 400; the minimum to pass is 320. General Considerations (maximum = 100): 99 Documentation (maximum = 70): 70 O-O Design (maximum = 30): 29 GUI (maximum = 40): 29 Locking (maximum = 80): 80 Data store (maximum = 40): 40 Network server (maximum = 40): 40
- Assignement : URLy Bird 1.2.1
- Submitted on 11/10 Results posted on 11/24.
- Three tier design. Client could call only find and book methods.
- Clients could not call lock/unlock.
- For the persistence tier used MappedByteBuffers(static) and Channels.Partitioned the database file into pages to provide for long record numbers.
- Used regular expressions to implement the find.
- Resources (database, network connection) were acquired/released from within business methods.
- Used a worker
thread to clean up dead threads (weak references)
- The UI(which sucked!) had only a book and a search button, 2 search text fields, 1 owner id text field, search results JTable, menus, popup menus.(no custom renderers, no column sorting etc.)
- On the client side used a single controller(MVC).
Thanks everybody.