Congratulation on your great score.
I am preparing for the exam. I am done ith my first reading of the HFEJB book. and half done with second reading. Second reading is giving me some confidence as I am understanding and remembering lot of stuff.
Yesterday I visited and gave some tests fro the topis that I have read twice. But was disappointed as I am scoring only around 50-60% in any
test that I took.
I realised that I can take away 2/3 options straiht out from the answer chioces but the eliminating from others is becoming bit of problem to me.
Details like which package has these exceptions/ classed are not something that remember yet.
CAn you share your experience regarding the same with me. How can I work my way down there.
Also, does the final exam specify how many answers are right answers? Or is it only check all correct answers ? (Here I am refering ti the questions with check box and not radio button)
Thanks in advance for your input on this!