Hi all!
Thanks to all for the help I have found here, I have passed the
SCJP 1.5 with a 90% today! My thoughts is that it was much easier than I thought it would be, once I had gotten about 15 questions in I felt it was fairly easy and I would do fine. The thanks goes to this place and the great prep materials that I had. The principal things that got me through this were:
whizlabs 5.0 simulator. These 6 mock exams were beyond essential. The material in them was, for the most part, much tougher than the actual exam. Going through the especially tough stuff helps you understand more fundamental things, which is mostly what the
test focused on.
http://www.whizlabs.com/scjp/scjp-5.0-details.html 2.
MZ notes. Right on the nose, these things. Especially study the API notes.
Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide. Very good info here, particularly the file io stuff was essential.
Java 5.0 Tiger: A Develeoper's Notebook. This is great for the new stuff in java 5.0.
Marcus Green's examulator. Another essential tool, this has helped a lot.
6. The questions that Bert Bates and Kathy Sierra posted from their upcoming book. Although there were only 11 of them, some of the principles they taught were EXTREMELY helpful. I wish I could have waited for their book! That's ok, I'm on to their SCWCD exam book
Thanks again to all, and good luck to those still preparing for the exam!
[ October 01, 2005: Message edited by: Karen Jirak ]